Why do you do paleo or primal lifestyle?

primal88 Posts: 16 Member
I started doing primal lifestyle after reading "The Primal Blueprint" by Mark Sisson. In the book it described exactly the health problems that I have had for many years. I want to become healthier and going Primal/Paleo seemed like the answer.
My goals are to be Healthy,Fit,Lean! Strong and have a lot of energy so I can enjoy a long happy life with my wife.
I am interested in hearing why others are following this path.


  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    Simple answer: Same as you. :)
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    I read a lot about it and it seemed like a reasonable eating style.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Because it's awesome and it works for me.

    I'm coeliac, and once I was diagnosed as such, had to eat "gluten-free" food. Ever tried "gluten-free" food? It tastes like balls. Donkey. Balls.
    Probably because this whole "weight loss gluten free diet" nonsense popped up and all this new substitute crap came out. Bleh. Didn't want any of it. So I used the trusty interwebz to look up recipes safe for coeliacs that DIDN'T require refined flours and the like. And that's how I discovered Paleo. Bought Mark's book and haven't looked back - hell, on my first Whole30 now and feeling like a badass. :P

    Why do I remain Primal/Paleo? Because I love it. It works for me. It's not a "diet", because I didn't just hangs my eating habits - I also walk, lift, climb, play. I get (a bit) more sleep and I get out a lot more. I feel fantastic, better than I have in my life - both pre and post diagnosis.
    I also get to be all creative with recipes. It's fun making awesome things out of whole foods.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I chose to do paleo because for a long time I have been searching for the healthiest way to eat, for healing, for digestive, spiritually and just the way that people are meant to eat. I have tried so many things, vegetarian, vegan, ect... and paleo is the only thing that seems to work for me. Right now I have fallen off eating paleo simply being sick while trying to make the transistion made things hard. But I plan to be back in full force soon!! I have to add that I have many close friends with serious health problems, like non stop kidney stones, celiacs and many other allergies. They eat paleo, and they have healed, they are healthy and happy. My one friend had rid herself of the kidney problem which the doctor said she couldn't even do!!! And another he now can kick my ars on a hike, and I hike more than him!!!
  • noojim
    noojim Posts: 49 Member
    I got interested in eating a more "paleo-style" diet while studying archeology and osteology. It made sense to me. I already knew I feel better with less carbs, and it ties well with my ideal of cooking from clean basic ingredients too. Not always sticking to my ideals, but meh.
  • I eat paleo because I have an intolerance to wheat, dairy, soy and hemp, therefore its not far off what i used to eat anyway. I did however change to paleo because I have a neurological disease a part of that is my body cannot create energy in the way a healthy person can, keeping low carb and paleo means my body can make energy from the fat in a much more efficient way. So far my energy levels have started to improve (a month on). x
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I've only been doing it for a week and there are a couple things I absolutely refuse to give up: Peanut butter and my supplements. But anyway....

    I do what I do because it is an EXTREMELY cost effective way of eating healthy, and after just a couple days I noticed my energy levels were practically through the roof. Ironphoenix was the one who got me started.
  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    I works better for me than any other diet/eating plan I have tried. It's also tastier than a low-fat/high grain diet!