What is your full indicator

ragslittle Posts: 176 Member
I sometimes want to continue to eat even though I know I shouldn't take another bite!!! I do get the hiccups though when it is time to put down the fork!!!


  • miss_erynn
    miss_erynn Posts: 140 Member
    chest pains and pains that "shoot" across my pouch....and I start breathing heavy. LOL. So weird.
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    Today I wish I had that indicator pop up - usually it is a tightness in my chest and if I ignore, pains and possibly bringing everything back up.
  • sgmcat
    sgmcat Posts: 23 Member
    I get hiccups a lot now also. Is that normal?
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I know I am weird, but how about a sneeze or a runny nose? Seems to happen every time I hit that "full" mark.
  • pavshop
    pavshop Posts: 48 Member
    I've heard people mention the sneezing before.

    I just need to listen to my pouch. the signals are VERY subtle. The distance between satisfied and too much is very small.
  • ragslittle
    ragslittle Posts: 176 Member
    I don't know if hiccups are normal, but out of all the things that could happen - I will take hiccups any day!!
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    I either start to hiccup (most common) or my nose starts to run. Even my husband now knows when I hiccup I am done!
  • mandynsnuf
    mandynsnuf Posts: 81 Member
    I hiccup or my nose starts running, one bite more and it will come up !