Heading out of town for Thanksgiving

BobbieInCA Posts: 102 Member
Just started on a successful trip down to my favorite weight...122 (5'4")...where I can forget loose sweaters and be able to tuck blouses into jeans. Right now I'm down 2 pounds, and weigh 125.
We're going to a family get-together for 24 people, and our assignment is stuffing, so bringing a plain salad isn't an option.
I'm hoping that there will be unbuttered vegetables or salad served with dressing on the side. Fortunately, I love vegetables and turkey isn't a problem. I also have the advantage of not eating sweets, so I can skip dessert.
Still...three days of eating out and not exercising could set me back a lot.
Should I have small potions of nearly everything on the holiday, and control calories in other meals? I hate to backtrack, but 1200 calories on "Turkey Day" sounds impossible. Any ideas?


  • TKRV
    TKRV Posts: 165 Member
    I have been having the same thoughts. I suppose it's possible to eat very little for the other two meals in the day.

    My plan (ideally) is to only eat small portions and remember that the holiday is more about family than food. It seems every American holiday or family get together involves mass amounts of food. Maybe it's time to change that tradition.

    Another idea that just came to me. Many times, my family will go for a long walk together after eating the Thanksgiving dinner. See if you can convince some people to participate in that kind of activity so that you can eat a little more than 1200 calories.

    I'm also open to other ideas. I'd love for there to be a secret way I could eat all I want on Thanksgiving without paying the price on the scale.
  • BobbieInCA
    BobbieInCA Posts: 102 Member
    Just picked up your reply.
    I didn't do too badly, considering that we ate all our meals in restaurants and the hotel for three days. Picked up a half pound, but it could have been worse. I checked the calorie counts at the places where we planned to eat before we left, so I knew what to order...most restaurants post calories online.
    On Thanksgiving, I snacked on shrimp and veggies before the meal, ate a reasonable amount of the holiday specials (turkey, dressing, gravy, and had lots of salad.
    I don't eat any desserts anymore (admitted sugar-holic) so that part was easy.
    Thanks for the advice!