


  • careycm616
    Deleted post
  • careycm616
    Hi I am Stephanie. I started Insanity today. This is about my 4th attempt. About a year and a half ago I completed P90X and Insanity was the next on my agenda. I started and never got past two weeks of it. Since then I have gained around 30 lbs back. I am frustrated with myself and my lack of motivation. I am ready to finally complete this!!

    And since I have had Insanity so long, I seem to have misplaced the meal plan guide. Any suggestions??

    Hi Stephanie,

    The meal plan can be found on Google, if you search a bit for it. I found it once, but can't remember where. The most important part of it is Michi's Ladder, which you can get online easily.
    Glad to see you're trying again, and take it day by day!
  • jenstukel
    Hi everyone, I'm Jenny and I'm doing Insanity and the Asylum together. I have done insanity before And lost weight, felt stronger and leaner, and felt great about myself. Then I went back to my old slacking ways and got flabby and gained the weight back...and didn't feel so great about myself. I recently got the Asylum and tried it. It is sooo hard I decided that I was going to do 1night of Asylum and then 1night of Insanity. I love doing that. Both are such great workouts! I have been trying to eat better and less, but it has been a real challenge. I love the idea of this group and am so excited to be a part of it! Thank you for creating it and having me!
  • stupxdgxrl
    stupxdgxrl Posts: 55 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm Chelle, I'm 26 years old. This is my first attempt at Insanity. I'll be tackling it with a friend of mine and will be starting Sunday :). I've attempted P90X a few times, but never completed the program, this one I'd like to follow through!

    As for my goals well, I currently play on a couple soccer teams and would like to boost my cardio up and to tone muscle. I've never been over weight, def had the few extra pounds and have recently lost about 15lbs mostly due to a diet change. Hopefully this doesn't kick my butt too bad! ;)
  • lao482
    lao482 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi everyone!

    REALLY glad to be in this group. My name is Lauren and I have two little boys (10 mo and 28 mo).... I am really looking forward to getting back into pre-pregnancy shape. I have struggled with my weight all my life and want to set a healthy example for my boys. I've been on MFP since February and have lost about 55 lbs so far, but would like to lose another 30. I'm heading back to work in the middle of January and completing the 60 days would bring me to just about the day I start work. I started the program today and was so happy to find this group. Here's to 60 days of HARD work, eating healthy and BIG results. Good luck everyone!
  • rhoades716
    I want to give a big shout out to all the new members of the team! Everyone is glad you are here and by working and motivating each other we will all accomplish our goals together. Feel free to start your own topics on the page and ask as many questions as you want, we are all here to learn!

    Just keep going and look to the Team for inspiration when you just don't feel like pushing play! At the end of the 60 days, we will all have great results.

    Best of luck to everyone!

    Dont' Just Push Play, Push Each Other!
  • jdjohnson2012
    Hi all, I'm JJ. I just started Insanity today with the fit test! It's going to be a great workout if I can keep up wtih it! :) I am in the Canadian Military and am coming due for my annual fitness test...I have less than 3 weeks until test day (6 Dec) so I'm hoping this will bring me up enough in cardio to hopefully pass my test!
  • dongreyatindra

    My name is Yatindra. I am starting insanity for the second time .(could not finish for the first time) .This time i want to finish Insanity .My goal is to loose 40 pounds and get into a better shape .

  • rhoades716
    Welcome JJ and Yatindra! Glad you two decided to join the team!

    @JJ, I am sure the insanity workout will definitely help you improve for your military fitness test, I have had Soldiers in the US Army do Insanity to prepare for theres and get great results.

    @Yatindra, Thank you for taking the first step to losing those 40 lbs that you want to lose. I am glad you are trying to accomplish Insanity for the 2nd time, we are striving for 100% graduation rate and with this group you WILL finish Insanity this time! Ask as many questions as you need and just stay active in the group helping motivate others.

    Don't Just Push Play, Push Each Other!
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 428 Member
    Hi my name is Vanessa im 26 years old im a New Graduate RN working in the ER night shift ( which is extremely hard at times) I started my journey last yr Sept 2011 I lost 51 lbs SW-183 lbs and i went down to 132lbs then unfortuntely in Aug i started to gain and lose the same 4 lbs then eventually i gained another 2lbs bc i started to get discouraged so i decided i need something extreme to shock my body since i think my body was getting use to my workouts plus even thou im about 10-12 lbs away from my GW i feel like i still have alot of toning to do.. Ive heard Insanity does wonders im hoping this is what my body needs im ready to reach my GW by the end of the year if not definetely before my birthday Jan 22, 2013.. Ive been working consistently for about 15 months watching i eat ( i do have my bad days but im back to being focused!! good luck to everyone
  • rhoades716
    Welcome to the team Vanessa! Everyone on this team is very supportive of each other, so don't feel discouraged. We are all here for one reason or another, but we are all here to better ourselves. It took me to seeing the scale at 249 lbs before I told myself that enough was enough. I think Insanity will definitely get you finally to the point that you want to get to. Anyone who has done Insanity have any input on this? Once again, thanks for joining the team. Just participate in the forums and look to others to help you stay motivated when you feel down or to sore to push play! Good Luck!

    Don't Just Push Play, Push Each Other!
  • emily_bird
    Don't cut out your butter. If you don't get enough sun, butter makes up for the vitamin deficit. Don't completely cut out your peanut butter either. Keeping BOTH in my diet has worked much better than when I kept them out. It's portion control. Quick tip, melt the butter in the microwave for ten seconds and then spread it out on the bread. you use less that way.
  • emily_bird
    Hey there

    It's nice to meet you all and to read all of your stories. I look forward to getting fitter with all of you and wish you continued success!

    I just want to thank Rhoades716 for creating this group and for his infectious, vivacious (am I allowed to call a man "vivacious") spirit.

    i wrote a intro and clicked the wrong button, so now I have to write it again lol!

    I'm not overweight and am in the mid to mid-low category of my weight range now,so I'm not doing this or weight, but to increase my own potential. I've done whatever exercise form I could with what I had since around the age of 13, but I've never been able to work all of the different parts of my body. I've been fit and built leg strength, but my arms are about as strong as a flapping fish. For most of my life, I couldn't even do a push up. Now,ironically to Callanetics Evolution, I can.

    I'm not starting a New Year's resolution, instead, I'm starting from this month to improve my strength, fitness ,endurance and knowledge regarding nutrition and health. This might sound incredible pretentious, but I entered a new decade this year by greeting 20, and I want to focus on appreciating my body for what it is regardless of what it looks like. I was born with all my toes and fingers and am incredible fortunate. There are people in this world who weren't or had something happen to them and they had to overcome that. Instead of worrying about how much I weigh (it's really just a number at a certain time), what I look like or what "I think" or "society" says I need to look like, I want to focus on my health . From now, it's a lifestyle change to make the inside (health, fitness,strength and mindset) right and focus on that, as opposed to the outside. If you look for flaws and problems, you're always going to find them. From now on, I want to be as healthy as I can to live a long life and to one day try to help other young women.

    Sigh.... I sound like a hallmark commercial, don't I? Oh well.

    Anyhoo, I won't be doing " Insanity", but Insanity Asylum Vol 1# I've already done some of it, but will be starting the calendar routine from either tomorrow or Monday. After the first cycle, I'll tailor it into a Mon-Sat with the addition of P90X stretching on Saturday, since I'm about as flexible as a Cold War Communist. Month 3 will be a hybrid of Callanetics and Insanity Asylum. After that, I'll be trying out TurboFire and then re-evaluating.

    Good luck!
  • rhoades716
    @ Emily_bird, Thank you for the great introduction. You said something that caught my eye and my wife tells me it all the time. She doesn't refer to eating healthy as a DIET, she refers to it as a LIFESTYLE change. I am glad you brought that up. Even though you aren't doing the Insantiy workout by itself, you are more then welcome to offer your kind words and motivation to keep others going. Thanks for joining the group and we all look forward to your tips and advice to make this the most successful group on MFP.

  • emily_bird

    Thanks for the welcome

    I'll probably be a nuisance in here till January because there's no more school lol!

    Yeah, the way I exercise and food now are that the right things prevent sickness, make you feel better and increase longevity . The right things are just tools for you to have a better chance at a future.
  • rhoades716

    I dont think you will be a nuisance, just keep us motivated and going! I am glad you will have plenty of time to help us all out!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    Hello! I go by AJ on here. In 2010 I lost 43 lbs doing Weight Watchers and fitness classes at my gym. I'm now 11 lbs heavier since I stopped doing most of my cardio and started lifting heavy. I've made great progress with my muscle mass but I also gained some fat along with it. I've done all the TDEE, BMR, and every other calorie calculator that I could find to tell me where my calories so should be but I can't lose the weight. Since November started I really haven't lifted so I'm hoping that will help me drop some weight. I know muscle burns more fat but for some reason it wasn't working for me because I'm not losing weight or inches.

    My plan is to do the fitness test tomorrow when I'm not working. Then to start Insanity after that. I plan on doing it as many days in a row as I can while also fitting in some of my group exercise classes or short 2 mile runs. I also have a co-worker that wants to start doing Insanity at work on our lunch hour but can't start until Dec. 10th. When he starts then I will probably start over at that point. I will do what I can for now. I am also finishing up a major back tattoo so I will need a break after my last sitting on the 30th which is why I say I will do it as much as I can but I will need a few days for recovery. Wearing a sports bra over a fresh tattoo is not fun.

    My weight right now stands at 173 lbs. My lowest was 162 lbs. I would love to end up in the 150's if not lower. I think once I get to my goal weight I will go back and focus on lifting again at least 3x a week with cardio the other 3x.

    Sorry for rambling!
  • emily_bird

    Nice to meet you and see a fellow Weight Watchers person :smile:
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member

    Nice to meet you and see a fellow Weight Watchers person :smile:

    Thanks and same to you!
  • rhoades716
    @ AJ

    Thanks for joining the Team! I hope you have noticed that everyone here is very supportive of each other and wants everyone to succeed. We are all starting Insanity for different reasons, but we will all finish because we have the drive and support of each other to do it! Just do what you can while you can and then as soon as you can start the program consistently, give it your all. We all know you can do it! Best of luck to you and I hope you find strength and motivation through the other members!