Is this group still active?

I've been struggling a lot with binges and emotional eating lately.

I joined this group, but most of the posts aren't recent.


  • PINKinquisition1908
    Hey there. I was wondering the same thing. I joined about 3 weeks ago and have made a few posts. I'm here for you. If we post I'm sure others will too. So go ahead and talk, I'm listening.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Just joined this group and it seems pretty still. Maybe there is still life to breathe into it?

    I eat insanely when Im stressed and the last few months have been unreal. I've gained 12 pounds back. :sad:
  • ijavagypsy
    Maybe we could be the initial resuscitators? :laugh: I adore comfort food. The thing that's so neat about mfp is that you can integrate any food that you like into your grand plan! Potato chips, macaroni and cheese, chocolate, ice cream--I can live with this indefinitely! It's fun to have a supportive community, too. Now, if you can give me a few hints about applying the brakes--I'm OK as long as I don't start. Once I take the first bite , :sad: .:sad:

    Hope we can stay in touch. If I knew how to "friend" people, I'd ask you!
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    I havent done cpr in a decade but I'm down with the plan.

    MFP is definitely a great tool. I guess the key for me is using it with dedication. I did great for about a year, losing 36lbs. I let IRL things get to me and slipped off the wagon right into gluttony. I'm like you in that once I start that compulsive pigout there's no stopping. I've been logging my food pretty honestly even though I'm HUNDREDS of calories over every day. I used to do well with getiing on the dreadmill almost every morning. Now that 2 of our adult kids have moved back home I no longer have our gym room. No room for the dreamill, the ET or the weights, not even really open space for WII fit. I know, excuses, right? I'm workibg on a plan to get the equipment back in and the 20somethings OUT.
  • ijavagypsy
    You have a hard row to hoe! FWIW, I'm here and available. I check in twice a day since I started.
    I do OK if I eat protein and fat at each meal or before we go out. I go over my caloric limit usually, but it's the general consensus here that 1200 KCal per day isn't realistic for active people. If they're starving and they increase their caloric limit by a little, they continue to lose weight. If they cling to the caloric limit, they feel tired, cold, unenergetic, etc. Who knows? We can just keep reading, learning, and touching base w/the well-intentioned others. This site is, to me, like a gift from heaven. Where else can you exchange ideas, recipes, methodology, etc., without spending a boatload of $?
    Take good care of yourself!
  • nibbynoo
    nibbynoo Posts: 250 Member
    The lack of activity in the group is my Fault! I created the CEA and haven't been online to keep things going!
    if any of you want to be admin to help promote the group and get discussions going let me know!!

  • melissa1893
    Hello all, I joined this group today! Found the link on another thread. I am an emotional over eater and need some accountability!
    I have certain foods that once I start it is very difficult to stop! I usually just read others posts and don't like to share but I know I need to get out there and post. I will only get what I put into it right? I am encouraged to know that I'm not the only one that goes over in their calorie goal. I usually see that as failure and an excuse to over eat some more. I have made my food diary public now. My goal is to stay as close as possible to my calorie goal but still keep tracking if I go over. I'm trying to listen to my body and only eat when I'm truly physically hungry. This is very hard for me. I have about 75 pounds to lose. I am the heaviest I've been in a long time. I'm also trying to be gentler to myself and not beat myself up over my mistakes. Someone once told me to treat myself like I would a close friend. Well, thanks for listening. I hope this group can get some activity going.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Hello Melissa
    This group isn't overrun with traffic but has a few return posters. I joined recently and have made a few whiney, pointless posts.

    I can relate to your story. I go over my cal limit fairly regularly the last few months. Have regained some of the 36lbs I worked hard to lose last year. I log my food though - the good,the bad and the delicious - even if its shamefully out of line. I'm honest about it all.

    I read. I post. It wastes time, it keeps me busy, it helps sometimes when I feel the urge to eat. There's a lot of support to be had on the forums. Reading other people's struggles helps to see we aren't alone, we aren't failures. Reading other's successes gives us ideas, encouragement. We need to find all the help we can.

    Sent you a friend invite.
  • melissa1893
    Thanks! I will accept you as a friend!! Maybe more will join in!
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I think we should elect a moderator to issue challenges or give thoughts to keep the group active. what do you think?
  • kimimila86
    I hope this group is still active because I just left the "Overeaters Anonymous (OA)" group due to inactivity... and I posted a topic but it was either not posted or it was removed... so frustrating when you're just trying to find a group for support.

    I could use more friends who suffer from overeating/emotional eating as well. I just had an episode yesterday and it wasn't pretty. :frown:
  • Smex36
    Hi - I've only really joined MFP in the last week and would love to find a community/group to chat about things :)
    I guess a group is active when we all post - so if we keep posting... it'll be active?

    I'm happy for anyone who overeats/binges to add me, as I'm trying to control myself from doing that too and have found a couple of tricks (healthy I swear) very helpful :)

    weight loss love!

  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Welcome ladies! Hopefully things will pick up. I post my own rants and whines, maybe just to get it out.

    Recent dramas with my adult daughters, stuff with my elderly dad, my lousy health/pain/meds... it all adds up to those late afternoon & evening binges. I start off making decent decisions and blow it by sundown.

    We all have our triggers, our go to comfort foods and our own guilt & regret. More coping skills, more escape plans and more success would be nice.

    I take baths & showers - lots of them. I read (Anthony Bourdain lately. You'd think he writes about food, but thats not the true moral of his story). I do latch hook rugs. I bake. Maybe this is risky for an food monster but I'm not a fan of sweets so can generally bake them, enjoy the process and not eat myself sick. I journal. I walk when I'm able. Recently giving cognitive behavior change a better try. (Am I hungry or bored/emotional/mad/depressed? What can I do instead of eating this? Will eating this make me feel weak/guilty/physically ill? )

    I know you ladies have all these things too, maybe just in different colors, flavors and theme songs. We aren't alone, it just feels that way.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    So glad to see other posts!! Yay :D
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    We all have our triggers, our go to comfort foods and our own guilt & regret. More coping skills, more escape plans and more success would be nice.

    I take baths & showers - lots of them. I read (Anthony Bourdain lately. You'd think he writes about food, but thats not the true moral of his story). I do latch hook rugs. I bake. Maybe this is risky for an food monster but I'm not a fan of sweets so can generally bake them, enjoy the process and not eat myself sick. I journal. I walk when I'm able. Recently giving cognitive behavior change a better try. (Am I hungry or bored/emotional/mad/depressed? What can I do instead of eating this? Will eating this make me feel weak/guilty/physically ill? )

    I know you ladies have all these things too, maybe just in different colors, flavors and theme songs. We aren't alone, it just feels that way.

    LOVE THOSE ideas.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I think we should elect a moderator to issue challenges or give thoughts to keep the group active. what do you think?

    Yes. I agree.
  • Zsquared
    Zsquared Posts: 54
    I keep falling off the wagon (headfirst into a buffet) and coming back but I really am in it for the long haul. I'm open to any & all friend requests. :)
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    I keep falling off the wagon (headfirst into a buffet) and coming back but I really am in it for the long haul. I'm open to any & all friend requests. :)

    mmmmmm buffet......

    Seriously though. I keep falling off the wagon too. My knees are skinned raw but I keep getting back on and tell myself to hold on tighter this time.

    Good luck on your ride.
  • nibbynoo
    nibbynoo Posts: 250 Member
    Hi Ladies and gents,

    Any of you want to be admin?
    seriously I have the power and need help to get the group back up and running!!
  • KimmyFritz11
    KimmyFritz11 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, I just joined and I am in desperate need for a group like this. Lets all stay with it!!