Question about workouts and calorie intake

My husband and I are starting our 2nd week of Insanity today. We are doing really good but I have a question about logging the workouts on My Fitness Pal, how do you do that? We have been using the Cardio circuit choice for some of the workouts and adjusting the times accordingly - is that right?

Also, when we log the workout we get calories back into our daily total, so we can consume more. Are we doing this correctly?



  • timinator222
    Yes mfp starts out with the recommended amount of calories based on not exercising so when you add your calories burned it gives a net amount so you compensate. As far as what to put in for type of exercise, I do cardio circuit training or the yoga stretching you can change the amount of calories as need. I recommend a heart rate monitor which you can buy for as little as $30.00. It will tell you exactly how many calories you burn. And it is quite different from the default number on mfp. I burn on avg 750 calories per workout averaged out. Hope that helps.