Eating plan on insanity.....

Hi everyone,

Was interested to see what everyone else does with their meal planning while on this challenge? I was all for giving the diet that came with it a go but it's not what I would generally have and I don't want to get disheartened by not enjoying my food while I'm following the workout. I've seen a lot of posts from people who say that if you don't hit near the target they set for you then you don't lose the weight (which is one of my main goals). My figure came out at 2,000 calories a day which seems like a hell of a lot for weight loss!!

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to eat unhealthily. The calorie goal does seem quite high, but I'm thinking about aiming to hit it daily and see what happens. Rather than following the diet plan I was thinking about making my own and following the general rules (5 meals a day broken down with 40% protein 40% carbs and 20% fat with each aiming for between 300-400 cals).

What do you think? Does anyone else follow their own plan or is it necessary to eat strictly what they suggest? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, I'm a newbie but want to succeed!!



  • sangostar
    sangostar Posts: 91 Member
    I've forgotten what the Insanity food guide said. But, you definitely need to eat back some of the calories you burn with how intense the cardio is. Was the 2,000 calories what MFP told you your goal intake was? When I'm working out I usually aim for 1,500-1,600 food calories in a day. Each insanity workout could burn anywhere from 250-450calories or more. I've never had a heart monitor that would give me a correct number. I estimate if I'm doing heart pounding cardio, for me, I burn about 100 calories every 10 minutes.

    As for what to eat, I eat a lot of protien. Mainly a low carb diet but I don't restrict myself harshly. If I want something, I try not to indulge and overeat. Portions are key. Like, potatoes can be a healthy food. But not three bowls of them. :)

    The 5 meals a day is a very good plan. You eat less, more often. I've read that that is what our bodies really thrive on, compared to just 3 heavier meals. I hope this all helps.
  • dawnsfitnesspage
    dawnsfitnesspage Posts: 13 Member
    MFP told me it should be 1200 ish calories for me to lose 2 lb a week, the 2000 is from the calculation the insanity programme gave me. It's a really long equation called the Harris Benedict Equation and is based on your weight, height, activity etc. I think it comes out so high because it says you should show your level of fitness as high on the insanity programme. Maybe I'll split it between the 2 and aim for something like 1600-1800 and see how I get on.
  • I reset my MFP goals to 40/30/30 (protein/carbs/fat) but I think I will change it to 40/40/20. It is a LOT of protein. More than I am used to, especially since I have trouble eating eggs and some dairy. This will be a challenge for me.
  • dawnsfitnesspage
    dawnsfitnesspage Posts: 13 Member
    I reset my MFP goals to 40/30/30 (protein/carbs/fat) but I think I will change it to 40/40/20. It is a LOT of protein. More than I am used to, especially since I have trouble eating eggs and some dairy. This will be a challenge for me.

    I can't eat cheese and have trouble with a lot of carbs (can't really eat bread or pasta and rarely rice) which is why I thought I would struggle. I might go through their suggested meal plans and see if I can substitute some things to make it workable for a few days at least. How many calories are you aiming for?
  • I'm gonna start today...again for the 3rd time I have never completed the whole program...but this is a great kick start for the new year...I'm also gonna throw in the gym, and other side workouts with this....cause I need serious weight loss...

    FIT TEST here I come....who's with me?