Nissen Fundoplication

Hello and good health to all,
I have been preparing for a Gastric bypass and have been doing all the requirements to qualify with my insurance which is Medicare /Regence Medadvantage .
I had a double lung transplant in 2006 and had to have the Fundoplication to cure re flux[GERD] which was causing pneumonia in 2007 . Both operations were a huge success but I have gained a lot of weight due to several factors one of which was hip failure and hip surgery replacement .which also was a great success . I had no idea as none of my Doctors were aware or have told me until recently that the Nissen Fundoplication had to be taken down before the by pass can be done . I meet with my surgeon Dec 27 and hopefully will find out more and if they are actually confidant that they can do this .
Any body out there ever had this experience and if so how are you doing ? Apparently the operation has to be done by a Bariatric surgeon who has had experience in taking down the Fundoplication.

I guess it puts me at a higher risk although I am pretty durable so far and am blessed with good health .I am just wanting to not be obese in order to stay and become healthy.