30 days up!

I haven't really taken part in the community aspect of this group other than updating the spreadsheet, but I still found the 30 day goal motivating (even though I didn't always fill out the sheet on time). I didn't make my 10 lb goal, but 8.5 lb is nothing to be disappointed about!

In all, I'm 37.5 lb down from when I had weighed in over the winter/spring. Since then, I took on a pretty intense project at work over the summer and started eating better. At first I started with replacement shakes 2X a day & sensible meals (pretty much slim fast). This was do-able, but once I started up at school, I knew that this diet was impossible for a student to maintain with all those long days. In addition, I bought a new (and very expensive) bike. The price of the bike initially motivated me to ride it, a lot! I rode to school every day from September to the end of October, with 2-3 long rides spaced out during the week. It's gotten far too cold to be riding at 7:00 every morning, but I still try to put in 4-5 rides/week of 80 mins at mid-high intensity with a steep hill-climb and another upward incline of several kilometers. When school started, I switched to a mostly vegetarian diet (2-3 servings of fish/chicken pet week). This diet was great when I was biking a lot, but since it's gotten cold, I've decided to switch over to a low-carb diet with more protein/fat (pretty much keto) since I don't really need all those carbs for physical activity. Since September, I've dropped 19.4 lb!

A huge motivator for me has been the fact that I graduate from university in April. I've been overweight for all of my teens and up to my mid 20's, and over that time I made some HUGE changes in my life. At 21 I decided to change my field of study from the social science to engineering. As I come to my final semesters, I've realized that such a major accomplishment was pretty simple in the long-run, so why not tackle my weight issues while I'm at it? The though of attending my graduation and ring ceremony at my ideal weight seems like a great way to start the next phase of my life!

My only regret is that I never took the time to take photos when I started making changes to my diet/exercise plan! I will probably take some tonight so that I can have some visual comparisons to make in addition to scale readings. I feel smaller, and this was recently confirmed when i went to put on some dress-pants that I bought over the summer, but I am having a hard time really noticing any changes due to the fact that I look at myself in the mirror every single day!

Sorry for rambling on, but I've never really spoken openly about my weight, and it feels good to do it after making some serious accomplishments! With that in mind, I'm most definitely continuing as I have in the past month. I don't know how the rest of you feel, but I'd be down to continue with this community for another 30 days in an attempt to beat my last 30 day record!


  • katealbright
    katealbright Posts: 134 Member
    I almost made it too, 0.8 pounds left! I have an idea... how about we all try to make it to goal before December if we didn't quite make it? :)
    JIGGLYbellyPUFF Posts: 81 Member
    I'm in!!!

    whatever you guys want. If you want me to make another of if one of you wants to make it, just let me know. :) I wasn't able to finish with everyone seeing how I had left on a trip and just got back, but you guys are AMAZING!!