30 day scale/tape measure depression :(

Hi guys Im new to the group and forums and stuff so bare with me if you've heard this all before. Today is my 30day mark for insanity and i was feeling pretty good about weighing and taking progress pics today. Im a scale addict i use to go in and off at least twice a day sometimes in rapid succession just to see if the number changed lol. On day 0 of insanity i weighed 161lb (im 5'6) after 2 weeks i weighed 156.2 feeling pretty good i said i wouldnt touch the scale until day 30. so today I got up early this morning ran down to the bathroom eager and excited to get on my scale (ud swear i was 5 and opening christmas presents). But you guys when i got on i was HORRIFIED!! I got on and off at least 4 times the number couldnt be!! IMPOSSIBLE! The scale said i weighed 12stone that means i put on 12lb in 2 weeks how could that be.
Ive been eating right following the allotted calorie intake. i started with a net of 1300 (this was what i was left with after exercise) i increased my calories from the first 2 weeks because i found myself light headed and realised i was actually under the BMR limit and was starving body of the basic calories it needed to survive when i did the equation again i found my BMR was 1550 so i upped my calories to make sure that after my deficit i still had adequate nutrition

My boyfriend and my flatmate says that the scale must be off because i look different and i feel firmer..( i really do feel different n when i look in the mirror everything seems a little tighter)

I know muscle weighs more than fat but 12lbs? O_o

I used the tape measure ..no inches lost none gained but none lost...
This has seriously depressed me i dont even want to take the pictures now.
Ive gone back into bed and pulled the covers over my head im wondering is there even a point of doing month 2 ..
Can someone shed some light on my situation ?


  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm at exactly the same point as you are, and I've gained 4 lbs through 30 days of insanity. I've been eating around 1900 net calories (my TDEE is around 2200).

    I've been reading a bunch of people's results in the forums here, and it seems that a lot of them stay flat or gain some over the first month, then lose weight like crazy during the max workouts for month 2. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens to my body after that. I'm liking my results so far, even with the weight gain I feel stronger and tighter.

    Also, remember that to gain a pound of fat, your body needs to take in around 3500 more calories than you burn. That would be 1400 extra calories/day over the 30 days. I'm guessing you're nowhere close to that so your gain isn't fat, its probably mostly water and some muscle.

    Keep pushing play. I'd bet that the program is working for you, its just your scale that's letting you down.
  • charelg
    charelg Posts: 599 Member
    I'm way more toned now, start 2nd month Monday, but haven't lost much on the scale..don't give up!!!