Favourite Diet Foods?



  • spongeh
    spongeh Posts: 152 Member
    The slimming world recipies are amazing and I'm loving them, I can see me eating some of these even when I'm down to goal weight.

    My favorite at the moment is the all day breakfast .... om nom nom
  • LilMissDB
    I wouldn't call them diet foods as such, but here goes:

    * Bacon - Sainsburys be good to yourself bacon 33kcal/slice (sure, its super lean but still get that bacony taste on a brekky s/w)
    * Sausages - I just got some beef and peppercorn sausages there too - 96kcal per sausage.
    * Crisps - This week I'm going to try salt and vinegar ryvita minis instead of crisps (one of my students suggested it to a patient ;))
    * Cheese - pre-sliced cathedral city lighter or leerdhammer lightlife, portions make it easy to count
    * Yoghurt - yeo valley natural yoghurt (I like the fat free one) or muller greek style coconut and vanilla
    * Crumpets - great with a little nutella for an after dinner treat, going to get some this week :)
    * Coconut milk - super high in calories even the light version, right? I use light evaporated milk instead, you can add some coconut essence if preferred
    * Pasta sauce - fry some onion and garlic in a little oil, add carton of tomato passata, 2 tsp sugar then salt to taste - so much tastier than the store bought stuff and super easy (lower cal too!)
    * 'cereal' bars - nakd bars made from dried fruit and nuts - the choc mint ones are super delicious, definitely cure my choc cravings
    * Bread - wholemeal pitta, seed sensations, burgen soy linseed, warburtons fruit loaf with orange