Monday has arrived!!!

Back in the saddle we go...right?! When my alarm clock went off this morning I couldn't believe it!! TIme to jump back into the routine of life and head back to work. Booo!! :-) Actually, I think my body is going to be thrilled b/c I've been TERRIBLE about drinking my water during this Thanksgiving break. It's so much easier when I see my water bottle sitting on my desk asking me to drink it. :-)

I don't know how the weather is where you live, but today, in Eastern Nebraska, there are snow flakes falling from the sky! "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!" Maybe you're like me and you DREAD openeing the front door when you know it's cold outside! If you'd rather not hit the gym today, why not do a workout at home?? Here's a great link for you to check out & try!

Can you believe that we only have 3 weeks left in this challenge?!?!? We've passed the half way point! How are you doing? As of this morning I've lost a little over 5lbs. Last week was BY FAR my best week in this challenge & I plan to continue with the same routine until the end of the year!! Tell us how you're doing!


  • nklunk
    nklunk Posts: 149 Member
    I have actually done really well about staying in my calorie range. No weight loss buy my pants are getting loose:)
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I think I have lost 3 pounds... Definitely feel clothes getting looser and was able to put away the 'fat wardrobe."
  • chaNyn613
    chaNyn613 Posts: 112 Member
    Fell off the wagon because of business trip, yaddah,yaddah,yaddah but not giving up. Half way there or second chance opportunity? Its not over until I meet my goal size, number. I know I missed logging if for awhile but I knew you, my cyberbuds, were out there and that helped alot! Here's to the next 25 days- raising my waterbottle at all of you
  • nre820
    nre820 Posts: 77 Member
    After a rough week or so, I really buckled down late last week...that being said, I ended up gaining a few pounds... but I am not going to let this discourage me too much.

    I am changing up my eating habits a bit for the next few weeks...and hopefully my black friday purchases will motivate me to get my butt out the door and run!
  • sed1217
    sed1217 Posts: 228 Member
    I didn't gain but didn't lose last week, though I imagine the salt holdover is still affecting my scale progress. I'm having a bit of trouble, because I'm consistently staying within my calorie allotment, but I'm not eating great. I guess it's possible to lose without eating particularly healthy as long as you count calories, but it's not a great way to live. Tonight I'm making salads and going to the gym - back on course!
  • I actually have not lost any weight. It's super discouraging...
  • cougar1976
    cougar1976 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm exited had to go back and see what I weighed on October 29th and as of today I've lost 14.3 pounds. This challenge has definitely upped my motivation thanks for starting the group and inspiring us all. Cheers happy Monday
  • sed1217
    sed1217 Posts: 228 Member
    I'm exited had to go back and see what I weighed on October 29th and as of today I've lost 14.3 pounds. This challenge has definitely upped my motivation thanks for starting the group and inspiring us all. Cheers happy Monday

    WOW! Fantastic work!!