a magic answer please?

Here are my details:

I am 28

I (as at this morning) weigh 61.7kg (in pounds, 135.74), and fluctuate between 61.5 and 62kg

I am 167 cm tall which I think is 5'6

I have been logging into MFP since September 2012

I know I don't have a lot to lose so do not expect any fast results, but with the exception of the first week where I dropped about 1.5kg (I am assuming a bit of water), nothing has budged. I have taken measurements all over etc... nothing. I don't weigh every day, but often enough to know that I just fluctuate up and down half a kilo or so.

Using online calculators, I have calculated my TDEE many many times and it is around 2250. My BMR is apparently 1400.

I will be the first to admit that I don't eat "clean" 100% of the time. I like biscuits, ice cream and chocolate. But I also like fruit, veges and definately get in my 8 glasses of water a day (if it isn't in my diary it is because I forgot to log it). I usually stay within my calories, except for a few days recently where my fiance was in hospital. I was over by about 150 for three consecutive days, but I doubt that'd be the be all and end all.

My calories are set at 1400, which according to MFP is supposed to get me to lose 0.6 pounds a week, and I eat back my exercise calories, otherwise I find I'm quite hungry. So usually eating around 1800 per day over a week if you average it out (so that includes eating exercise calories)

I have recently acquired a heart rate monitor so my calorie burn is far more accurate now, and I do weigh my food most of the time...

So, please tell me - why no results after this long?!


  • kls13la
    kls13la Posts: 377 Member
    What are you doing for exercise? It's odd that you haven't lost any inches in two months.

    Are you weighing and logging everything you are eating? (Are you sure....?)

    It seems like you should be losing -- even slowly -- at the level you are eating. Have you tried increasing to 1500 calories a day or playing around with the calories to see what happens?

    Your sugar intake is really high. While some of it is fruit, which doesn't bother me, there is a lot of chocolate and junk contributing to that level. Try decreasing your sugar intake and increasing your protein. (Your protein looks low most days). At this point, it may take experimenting with your macros, since your weight is already relatively low for 5'6".
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    First off, what's your exercise regime?
  • Every day I take my dog for a run - usually about 40 minutes - some days 50 minutes. And I have a little app on my phone that I do another 10 minutes of random things, starjumps, stairs, lying funny and bringing your knees up etc. Some days I switch that for doing pressups and sit ups etc.

    Some days after work I do walking, ceroc dancing, badminton, football (sorry, soccer). So lots of random things. Weekend is usually stuff like mowing the lawn etc.

    I don't have a gym membership and can't afford to do that.

  • Are you weighing and logging everything you are eating? (Are you sure....?)

    Yip - look at yesterday for example ,while I was waiting for fiance to come home for dinner I had a couple of walnuts and a little bit of white chocolate. I baked muffins and cut one in half and tried that (after I logged it as my own recipe from making it from scratch), so if it goes in my mouth, it gets logged.

    edited to add: Yesterday for me is Monday - so time zones are different...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Add some strength training ( sit ups, squats, lunges, plank, you don't have to go to the gym), increase your protein intake - aim for 100g a day and make sure you are eating back all your exercise calories. 1400 may be a little low as you run a lot, maybe try net 1600 for a few weeks?
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I posted a similar question and a number of people talked about upping my protein. Why does this work?
  • Add some strength training ( sit ups, squats, lunges, plank, you don't have to go to the gym), increase your protein intake - aim for 100g a day and make sure you are eating back all your exercise calories. 1400 may be a little low as you run a lot, maybe try net 1600 for a few weeks?

    All very helpful suggestions. Thanks very much.

    I had my calories set at 1600 back in September and beginning October, and nothing, so I dropped it to 1400. Maybe I will try the strength training first, because, like everyone else, I am scared of gaining weight. I am also mostly scared of the scary Croatian lady who makes my wedding dress. Imagine if I gained and couldn't fit it!!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    My understanding of more protein is that if your body has adequate protein intake then it will burn fat more readily. Plus it helps your muscles repair if you do strength training.

    And it keeps you fuller longer.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Add some strength training ( sit ups, squats, lunges, plank, you don't have to go to the gym), increase your protein intake - aim for 100g a day and make sure you are eating back all your exercise calories. 1400 may be a little low as you run a lot, maybe try net 1600 for a few weeks?

    All very helpful suggestions. Thanks very much.

    I had my calories set at 1600 back in September and beginning October, and nothing, so I dropped it to 1400. Maybe I will try the strength training first, because, like everyone else, I am scared of gaining weight. I am also mostly scared of the scary Croatian lady who makes my wedding dress. Imagine if I gained and couldn't fit it!!!

    I have changed my routine to primarily strength training for the last 6ish weeks... I am the same weight but I am losing inches like crazy... I do a full body routine 3x a week plus 1 day of cardio and a bit of walking. My bodyfat is decreasing even though I am eating at maintenance.

    Strength training is GREAT for getting rid of unwanted fat!
  • slays1415
    slays1415 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm guessing you're overestimating your exercise cals. Are you taking MFPs word for it? If so, I'd try eating back half what MFP says. With so little to lose, you're walking a pretty fine line. The other option would be to cut out sugar/refined stuff, but you've said you really like those, so I'd try the other way first. GL!

    Oops, just saw that you have a HRM now, although I'm not totally convinced of their accuracy either. You may have to cut refined carbs to see more definition. Sorry - none of us wants to hear that!