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  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    So here's a question for everyone: What weight are you using? I see in the video that that the "beginners" girl is using 3lbs. I've been using 3lbs and moved up to 5lbs on the chest fly, row, and bicep curl (still can't handle more weight on the shoulder presses/lifts). Should I buy more weights and bump up to 8lbs on the other exercises? I only have 2 more days left at level 1, so should I just wait to see what I can handle in level 2? I'm not seeing any major results from the 30 Day Shred so far -- maybe it's just in my head or it's too early to see a difference. I'm definitely getting stronger, but my weight seems to be the same along with my measurements. We'll see if there are any improvements in tomorrow's check-in...

    I use 8 lb weights for most of them. Sometimes, if I can't handle it, I switch to my toning weights. (I don't have anything in between, sadly.) For the last few days I've been using toning weights, though, because I hurt my shoulder..

    It probably wouldn't hurt to try the heavier weights. See what you can handle. You can do it :D