Re-starting the 30DS today after being sick

Hi all :) Glad I found this group! I had gotten to day four of the 30DS when I got slammed by a nasal, ear, and throat infection. Once I got over that trifecta of awesomeness, I caught yet another sinus infection. Needless to say I've been out of commission for about the past four weeks now, and I've been feeling really down in the dumps.

Before I got sick I was on cloud nine. For the first time in my adult life I hit 188 lbs. (my highest was in the 340s) and got into a size 14 jean (used to wear a 26-28). Now I'm back to 196 lbs. from from laying on my butt and eating junk the past few weeks. I want to get back on track.

I am planning on re-starting the 30DS today after I get home from school/work. I really need some motivation and support because I feel so down right now. Thanks :)


  • katanasnk
    katanasnk Posts: 52 Member
    Hi, MsGigandet! Getting back on track is great! The 30DS is awesome because it's just 20 minutes. You can do it. Just 20 minutes and it's done! Exercise will help you avoid the holiday gain that seems so inevitable--and you know it, I can tell from waht you wrote... so now that you're feeling better, it's time to tell your body that no, we are not in fact hibernating bears and we do not need to stock up for the winter! If you start today, you'll be done before New Year's Eve!
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi all :) Glad I found this group! I had gotten to day four of the 30DS when I got slammed by a nasal, ear, and throat infection. Once I got over that trifecta of awesomeness, I caught yet another sinus infection. Needless to say I've been out of commission for about the past four weeks now, and I've been feeling really down in the dumps.

    Before I got sick I was on cloud nine. For the first time in my adult life I hit 188 lbs. (my highest was in the 340s) and got into a size 14 jean (used to wear a 26-28). Now I'm back to 196 lbs. from from laying on my butt and eating junk the past few weeks. I want to get back on track.

    I am planning on re-starting the 30DS today after I get home from school/work. I really need some motivation and support because I feel so down right now. Thanks :)

    I'm soo sorry that you've been so sick! I'm glad your feeling better!!!! You'll loose those few lbs that you gained while sick. Don't let it discourage you though, just keep pressing play.