Are you an Jillian, Anita or Natalie?

poodlegoat Posts: 49 Member
Which one are you most like? I think I'm more of a Natalie cause I push it as hard as I can


  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    If you're a Jillian does that mean you don't shut up? Or you cheat and spend most of the workout watching Anita and Natalie and not doing it yourself?

    I tend to stick with Natalie's moves. Occasionally I have to conceed and do Anita's - like for those damned walking pushups on level three, I can never get the full way through the second set.
  • eahouston
    eahouston Posts: 1,015 Member
    Zoukeria- funny!!

    Since I know Jillian works hard for her body and is just playing the role of the personal trainer, it doesn't bother me too much that she doesn't do all the moves with me ;)

    It really depends on the exercise whether or not I have to modify up or down. I give it my all during cardio, but there are some moves in Level 2 I end up following Anita, or somewhere in-between hard and eas(ier).