Weight Gain?

brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
I am on week 3 of the program. I do not follow the diet plan, but I definitely watch what I am eating and I do not go over my calories on most days, yet...I am gaining weight! I am not sure if it is because of last weekend with the holiday or whatever, but I was wondering if anyone had gained weight by doing the program? I am hoping it is muscle building and that my muscles are retaining water, but it is highly frustrating to see the scale going the wrong way :(

Any advice would be appreciated...I am getting very frustrated and upset :(


  • Pwrpuff83
    I saw a .5lb gain when I started which isn't the end of the world, but obviously not what one is looking to achieve here. I can't offer you any advice either because I've not dropped one single pound since I started with little to no deviation from the program. I can't really say why I'm not seeing any weight loss, but I am feeling stronger, so perhaps it is a muscle thing? Its completely frustrating to be dealing with this, so while I can't give you any answers, I just wanted to let you know you aren't on your own. HOWEVER, I will say that looking at your picture...you're probably so achingly close to your goal that every ounce is going to give you a fight. Keep up the work and maybe measure and take pictures to compare and contrast as you go along in the program.

    Don't be discouraged because, whatever the scales say, you're doing the right thing by exercising and keeping yourself fit!
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    Ooh, I've been there. At first I gained 3 pounds. Then I lost those, but I lost something like a total of .2 pounds in the first phase. That part was super discouraging. But I also lost 11.25 inches, so something was happening! After the first week of phase 2, the scale started moving again. That was only like two weeks ago, so I hope it keeps moving.

    Don't get discouraged. Things are happening, just maybe not the things you were looking for at first.
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    Did you take measurements? I was SHOCKED after a period of not losing to see I lost two inches on my waist. Stick with it.

    I don't think this is a major weight loss program but I think its definitely a strength/toning workout with inches lost over pounds.

    I find that the weeks when I throw a few extra cardio workouts in, I have losses on the scale.
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    I gained 5 lbs the first few weeks. They didn't stick around for long.