Thyroid issues are delaying results!!??

dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member

Please feel free to give suggestions.. I'm doing the Eat More to Loose weight program in an attempt to reset my metabolism.
(I need to let you know I'm having to take thyroid medication and I'm post menapausal (which really started the current problem of weight gain without any loss)

I need your support and help because I'm now the highest I've ever been and I 'was' having breathing problems prior to the work outs on EM2LW. I'm physically stronger but the fat ( after 12 weeks of weight training,) just isn't coming off . I'm more concerned about the 'fat' than what I weight.. I've sent a few messages out to those of you who have been successful at this. I need to know 'what' I might be doing wrong and correct it!!
I weight train twice a week; cardio light 3-4 days a week and my goal calories is 2300 with cut but I average more at 1800-2000 cal. I may be eating too much fat and carbs? I've had a great suggestion recently to pre-log food so that I've already figured in my Macros and don't have to worry about it. (I've heard there's a site that will give you a grocery list along with weekly meal plans e-meal?? Anyone try that? ) I also drink 'a lot' of coffee to keep the fatigue away and I have a stressful job even though I get to work from home.

Hope to hear from you :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker:


  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Bump for more info : )
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I also have hypothyroid..but also PCOS, and Insulin Resistance. I take meds for everything..

    I can suggest that if you are drinking coffee to stay awake..your meds need to be re-evaluated. I take mine everyday like clockwork at 4 AM..then go back to bed..and am fine the whole day.

    As far as loss..I hear you..I am at 27% bodyfat..which for my age is normal (44)..I would like to get it down..but other than continual lifting and eating more (I am at about 2100 cals a day) I don't think there is much more. I do know it can take years..cause its a slow process

    Good Luck!
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    Thanks so much for the responses!!! I've gotten some ideas to try and really do appreciate your messages!!! Have a terrific week!!! :happy: