Anyone here who used to dance? Gymnastics?



  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    YA HA! Bellydance is the best!
    I took a few weeks of lessons a few yrs ago and found it challenging and enjoyable.
    My neighbor turned me on to a local group here thru her friend & coworker -- they dance at a downtown restaurant wednesday evenings and have their hafla (sp?) every 8 wks at the local Am. Legion. AWESOME!!

  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I did ballet/tap/jazz til I was about 12, then went back for a year when I was 16.

    I was really missing it too, but was too scared to take college or adult classes because I had gained a lot of weight and couldn't imagine putting on leotards and tights and flopping my big body around in front of other people. I know now that it was really stupid of me to put off doing something I loved just because I was overweight.

    Anyway, after losing some weight and gaining confidence, I started taking adult ballet classes this past September. I freaking love it so much and I am so sad I missed out on all of those years in between, but at least I went back. I go Tues and Thurs nights. It really makes the work week less miserable and it gives me something to work toward. I never got on pointe as a kid but I think it would be awesome to do it now as an adult.

    Next Sept. I think I'm going to do the adult jazz class along with ballet. The jazz class performs in the recital! It's been a LONG time since I've done that! :)

    I never did gymnastics so I don't have any input about that, but my friend goes to an open adult gymnastics group. She is 28 and did gymnastics in HS and college. If you miss it, please go back!! I'm really glad that I did. It's pricey but worth the happiness!