Ulcers anyone?

I'm 2 years out and haven't had any complications at all. My husband on the other hand, had RNY surgery June 2012 and developed an ulcer at 1 month post op. He has been taking meds, but is still in a lot of pain and gets sick easy. He gets scoped again in a couple of weeks. He is miserable and I feel for him.


  • miss_erynn
    miss_erynn Posts: 140 Member
    I, too, developed an infected ulcer 3 weeks out. I was home from the hospital for 17 days and was right back in for 5.... I was placed on heavy duty antibiotics and the doctors were able to get rid of it without the need for a second surgery (which was a high possibility while I was in).

    No problems with them since!
  • I hope you stay well! My poor husband is miserable. He was like you, a month after surger, right back in the hospital, and the next month in there twice. He gets scoped again in a couple of weeks and I hope they will do something to help him.
  • miss_erynn
    miss_erynn Posts: 140 Member
    keep me posted - in the meantime, maybe cut out all ulcer-inducing foods such as caffeine!