7 Day Check In

Tomorrow is the 1 week mark, and it's time for measurements!

Stop by the office any time tomorrow (Monday the 3rd) during our office hours and we'll do those for you. Don't forget to bring your surveys/measurements papers if we don't already have them.

See you tomorrow!


  • Thanks. See you tomorrow.
  • okey dokey artichokie
  • lost 2 lbs and 1.5" off my hips! woot! let's shoot for 4 lbs next week!
  • Yea Bre,14 #down! yipee skippy , seven days and 7 pounds off!!!! waist 3 " smaller and hips 1" down. Now here goes week 2 of 21 day detox! No more starchy carbs:ohwell: , let the challange begin, we can do it!:bigsmile:
  • WOWSER Bre and Pam !!! Excellent !!
    You are doing so well, rah rah keep it up !
  • Thanks Becky , you and I seem to be on the same log in schedual. I tried one of the kale chips you brought yesterday ,yummy. I really am finding alot of different ways to eat with this detox. Hummus on spinach leaves, TASTY. I did have a dream about a donut last night, it was crazy. Bigger than a foot long sandwich and thick icing of which i ate about half and it made me sick.......and it happened at a bar LOL well guess i better start my wind down ritual for bed. tah tah