
kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
The guide states 5 meals but that would leave my last meal at 5p and I can't go from 5 to bedtime (10:30 ish) without food. Anyone else deviating a bit? I figure as long as I come as close to 2100 cals I'm golden.


  • DrePitts8
    DrePitts8 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm the same way... It to much of a gap from the last meal to bedtime... But I'm going to make it work some how...
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 219 Member
    I try to spread my meals, I am not going too high on calories. If I feel tired or dragging I will up it. I am trying for more protien though to help build the muscles back up. I hope it won't be too counter productive.
  • where_next
    where_next Posts: 23 Member
    I've been researching about the recovery formula- a lot of non-bias boards think it truly is necessary to see the results you expect as far as muscle building go. Anyone have any insight? What about a homemade substitute? I'm mostly asking because some of my workouts will have to be in the morning, and I don't (won't) get up early enough to have some food 30-60 minutes before the workout. People suggested the recovery formula before and during to get energy in the morning. Thoughts?
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I'd say the main idea for the 5 meal thing is just so you are eating often throughout the day to speed up your motabolism. so if meal 5 comes in at 5:30 pm and breakfeast isn't until 8:30 am tomorrow, its conter productive to wait.

    best approach IMO is to just calculate how many calories you need and space them out throughout the day in a manner that is satisfying to you... having AT LEAST 5 meals. i just try to eat every three hours or so and come in under my calories for the day.

    I'm glad someone asked about the recovery formula. its great. but really pricey. Independant research shows that a post exercise meal with a 4:1 carb to protein ratio honestly does help you recover faster and ultimately perform better. But you really don't need to break the bank to get the propper nutrition. Chocolate milk has a 3:1 carb to protein ratio and its actually the beverage they used in the early clinical studies proving that post exercise nutrition is so important.

    What i did was look up the nutritional information on the Beach Body RR drink and did my best to copy it. Its basically whey protien, dextrose and maltodextrin, with a little creatine. I was going to get tubs of the sugar and matodextrin from NOW nutrition (and right there that woud have saved me a ton of money) but then i found them in 50 lbs bags on a baking website!!! I bought the bags like a year ago and i'm not even half way through and i use it quite often. I'm not going to lie, at first its way less convient then just buying a tub of powder with a scoop. you have to get the contents of the 50 lbs bags into more managable containers (or come up with some other solution) and you will need to use a scale to determine propper proportions (then you could make a scoop by cutting a dixxie cup to the appropriate size or something like that) but i spend about as much as you would on one or two tubs of beach body drink on those two 50 lbs bags. I've definetly saved hundreds.

    bottom line, eat something before and after your workout. especially after. some would say that your better off skipping a workout then working out and skipping the post workout meal.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    oh and 30-60 minutes is really just a guideline. just dont want to have things sloshing around in your stomach when you work out. if your comfortable before 30 min then go for it. on the rare occasions i workout in the morning, i'll just eat an apple or banana and get right to it within 5-10 min
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    kiwark, I'm doing 1c of 1% Milk and 1 serving of chocolate syrup after workouts.

    paxfaux, I get pretty hungry between dinner and bed (it's about 5 hrs) so I have casein protein powder around 9-9:30p.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Here is an approximation of my daily nutrition. As you can see, i'm eating all day long. this will get me anywhere between 1800-2700 calories. I try to come in at 2400 daily because thats supposed to make me lose weight based on Shawn formulas. I eat 7 very small meals throught the day. sometimes as many as 9 if i do multiple workouts, but then a meal is like an apple or a protien shake. Just wanted to share bacause I saw a few of you lamenting about having to stop eating at 5:30 lol.
    Remember that this should be your new eating habbits, not a diet that you can't wait to get through because its not really something you can or should sustain.

    Time Cal
    8:00am 300
    10:00am 200 -300
    1:00 300-450
    4:00 150-300 pre-workout
    6:30 250 post workout
    8:30 400-800
    11:00 200-300
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I also hear a lot of people say that eating right before bed is bad for dieting, or that all the calories you eat will automatically turn into fat. I've see a lot of articles by self proclaimed fitness buffs that echo this, but i've never seen an actual research article from a peer reviewed journal that presented any emperical research supporting this.

    your metabolism is quite active when you're asleep. and if your working your body, thats when it can repair and what not. Energy and nutrients are needed for that, so i really see no reason why one should avoid eating right before bed... assuming you are not exceeding your calorie intake limit. I wake up starving anyway.
  • hey guys, anyone want to recommend an amount of time to wait after eating something not to heavy like half a pb banana sandwich before attempting a insanity workout? please and thank youuu :]
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    hey guys, anyone want to recommend an amount of time to wait after eating something not to heavy like half a pb banana sandwich before attempting a insanity workout? please and thank youuu :]
    Everyone is different. I can eat a regular meal and workout 30 minutes later and be OK.

    I'd have some type of quick digesting carbs like Greek Yogurt, apple, etc. an hour before working out if your stomach can handle it.

    paxfaux, I've heard that too. Or that carbs after XXX o'clock are bad. Sorry but I don't buy it. My 6p dinner is a carb, protein and veg. then around 9p I have a casein protein dessert made up of peanut butter, chocolate casein powder, 1/2c fat free milk and dark chocolate chips (add ins depend on how many cals I have left). I want to help preserve/grow the muscles I'm building with all of those push ups, jumps and core moves without sacrificing something sweet at night.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Are you following the 40/40/20 macros outlined in the nutrition guide?
    I can't hit 200g protein a day but I'm happy with 1g/lb
    I keep going over on fat. I'm not eating unhealthy fats so should I be really worried? If anything I add them in to hit my calorie goals.

    I want to maximize my results with INSANITY so I am probably over analyzing and over reading things. I use whey & casein protein in my diet, eat clean, aim for a fruit and/or veg with every meal (excluding the last) and keep my fat intake as healthy as possible (dark chocolate, nuts, olive/safflower oil, etc.).

    I think I need to be talked away from the ledge of craziness.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    200 g of protien sounds like more then you need. I am not sure what my % are. I thought i was going for something like 35C/40P/25F. I'm eating about 2400 cals a day and shooting for 180 grams of protein. i get pretty close to 180 but usually don't hit it. there are formulas out there for how much protein you should get. Its usually like a gram, or 2 grams per kilo of body weight. As long as you get more then the lower estimates you should be fine.

    That casein treat sounds very tastey. I wouldn't worry to much about the fat especially if its monounsaturated.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I changed up to 40/30/30 (p/c/f) and I do go over carbs a bit but not too much. Regardless I feel good and have the energy to press play, I figure that's all that matters.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    holy CRAP did i pig out yesterday. lol, i should log as i go at these holiday parties, i'd do a lot better.