Daily Check in



  • andilion
    andilion Posts: 44 Member
    Woot! Just finished Level 1. I've been taking a decent number of rest days so I won't be done with the whole program by the end of December, but I'm excited to get it done :)
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Did my final day of Level 1 today! Tomorrow I will give Level 2 my best effort. :ohwell:
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Well, I did day 3 of Level 2 this morning. It kicks my butt and I think I like it! It took a lot to get me motivated to do it this morning, becuase it really pushes me, but I can actually do the exercises. That feels good! Yes, it's difficult, and I won't lie, I had to take a breather twice. Once during the push-up/plank/jumping jacks and once during the 2nd double jump rope. I got a side ache that wouldn't let up during 3rd circuit cardio. It about killed me. Poor breathing patterns. I'll have to pay closer attention to my breathing going forward.

    One thing I have noticed for me is that level 2 exercises have bothered my lower back. Not like it is injured, but like my back is too tight during the workout and then sore all day. So, this morning during warm-up, I did those hip circles that she did in level 1 that she did not continue for level 2 warm-ups. It seemed to help during the workout, and I don't feel sore right now, so I hope it did the trick.

    I'm down 6 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks, so that is some progress. Haven't taken my measurements, but I will soon and hope to see some results there as well.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their day today and you are all pressing onward and upward!

    Hey! I was having some soreness in my legs and I found this video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0o0kNeOyH98 It's really short yoga but like, just stretches and no hard stuff. Really relaxing and I found it helped any back tension too!