A man and his bathroom...



  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I have two cats, a dog and a snake. I clean for 30-45 min every weekday and on Saturday or Sunday I do my "deep clean".

    I agree that there is a difference between being disorganized and being dirty. I can be considered disorganized (I know where everything is, other people just don't have the same eye I do) but my stuff is clean, yo.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I've run into the exact opposite problem. I'm a hardcore neat freak and everything must be spotless. I'm definitely the worst person I know when it comes to this.

    I'm VERY anti- pets because the hair would drive me nuts. This has turned off a few potential women when I'm looking to date them.

    I even thought about buying those disposable "booties" and make my guest where them when they come over.

    You don't want kids then right I take it.
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    I've run into the exact opposite problem. I'm a hardcore neat freak and everything must be spotless. I'm definitely the worst person I know when it comes to this.

    I'm VERY anti- pets because the hair would drive me nuts. This has turned off a few potential women when I'm looking to date them.

    I even thought about buying those disposable "booties" and make my guest where them when they come over.

    LMAO!! None of this surprised me.... :laugh:
  • lniffa
    lniffa Posts: 718 Member
    I've run into the exact opposite problem. I'm a hardcore neat freak and everything must be spotless. I'm definitely the worst person I know when it comes to this.

    I'm VERY anti- pets because the hair would drive me nuts. This has turned off a few potential women when I'm looking to date them.

    I even thought about buying those disposable "booties" and make my guest where them when they come over.

    I am like Mike, I have a neat freakness in me!..lol. My friends actually call me for advice on how to get stains out of stuff, yeah because I am that good or just too damn OCD. My bathrooms are always clean and when guests are coming over always do another extra cleaning.

    Oh, no shoes in my house either and I know people have problems with this. It's my house my rules..lol. BTW: there is different size socks, if they want to put something on their feet.
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    I even thought about buying those disposable "booties" and make my guest where them when they come over.

    Do you shower 3x per day?

  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I've dated several men that had issues cleaning their stuff. Recent one is 1/2 and 1/2. When he cleans, he cleans. But it happens so infrequently, he might as well not bother. When he does something, he does it right. It's just getting him to actually do it.

    Last weekend we moved his dog in that had been staying at his friends. I originally wasn't wild about having dog and hair and all the stuff that goes with having a pet, so the arrangement worked. But something was missing. So I caved, I cover my couch with sheets, he vacuums (in my request) every 3-4 days no matter what and I deal with the hair.

    When my boyfriend moved in with me, he did his own laundry. A month later, I do both. Reason? He likes to put a load in, then forget about it and not transfer it to the dryer. So, days go on and I want to do mine. I go, lift the lid and find damp stinky laundry in the washer. I asked him to keep up with it, but it didn't help. I took matters into my own hands and I'm much happier. Should he do his own, yes. But it wasn't getting done the other way and it was making me nuts. I'm happier now.

    If it was me, I'd just clean it. I have to have a clean bathroom or I go ape****. I realize this is "enabling" and that they "should" be able to keep their places clean like adults should, but different people have different comfort levels.
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    I was a lazy kid around the house whose mother did everything for him, and was well on my way to becoming a lazy adult who didn't do anything. Fortunately, I married a woman who was even worse than me with the chores, so fate lent a hand. Realizing it's only going to happen if I do it, I did a complete 180 and turned into a cleaning/cooking machine. My place now is more or less spotless.

    I confess I have a cleaning lady that comes once a week. But it's quite clean throughout the week - she mainly does the ironing.

    No booties required when you come visit. However, as is the European custom, you will be removing your shoes upon entry.

  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I've dated several men that had issues cleaning their stuff. Recent one is 1/2 and 1/2. When he cleans, he cleans. But it happens so infrequently, he might as well not bother. When he does something, he does it right. It's just getting him to actually do it.

    Last weekend we moved his dog in that had been staying at his friends. I originally wasn't wild about having dog and hair and all the stuff that goes with having a pet, so the arrangement worked. But something was missing. So I caved, I cover my couch with sheets, he vacuums (in my request) every 3-4 days no matter what and I deal with the hair.

    When my boyfriend moved in with me, he did his own laundry. A month later, I do both. Reason? He likes to put a load in, then forget about it and not transfer it to the dryer. So, days go on and I want to do mine. I go, lift the lid and find damp stinky laundry in the washer. I asked him to keep up with it, but it didn't help. I took matters into my own hands and I'm much happier. Should he do his own, yes. But it wasn't getting done the other way and it was making me nuts. I'm happier now.

    If it was me, I'd just clean it. I have to have a clean bathroom or I go ape****. I realize this is "enabling" and that they "should" be able to keep their places clean like adults should, but different people have different comfort levels.

    Sounds like a plan to me. If it's something you want done, then do it yourself. What good will come from nagging someone constantly other than driving a wedge between the two of you. When I lived with my first boyfriend we had a tradeoff. I would do all the cooking and cleaning (he was TERRIBLE at cleaning, the opposite of me. Very organized, but filthy dirty gross), and he would buy the groceries. Saved me some money and our home was clean.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I was a lazy kid around the house whose mother did everything for him, and was well on my way to becoming a lazy adult who didn't do anything. Fortunately, I married a woman who was even worse than me with the chores, so fate lent a hand. Realizing it's only going to happen if I do it, I did a complete 180 and turned into a cleaning/cooking machine. My place now is more or less spotless.

    I confess I have a cleaning lady that comes once a week. But it's quite clean throughout the week - she mainly does the ironing.

    No booties required when you come visit. However, as is the European custom, you will be removing your shoes upon entry.


    I make people take off shoes at my house too. Unless they are in flip flops lol
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    I was a lazy kid around the house whose mother did everything for him, and was well on my way to becoming a lazy adult who didn't do anything. Fortunately, I married a woman who was even worse than me with the chores, so fate lent a hand. Realizing it's only going to happen if I do it, I did a complete 180 and turned into a cleaning/cooking machine. My place now is more or less spotless.

    I confess I have a cleaning lady that comes once a week. But it's quite clean throughout the week - she mainly does the ironing.

    No booties required when you come visit. However, as is the European custom, you will be removing your shoes upon entry.


    I would hire a cleaning lady to keep up the place at least twice a month. It definitely helps.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I was a lazy kid around the house whose mother did everything for him, and was well on my way to becoming a lazy adult who didn't do anything. Fortunately, I married a woman who was even worse than me with the chores, so fate lent a hand. Realizing it's only going to happen if I do it, I did a complete 180 and turned into a cleaning/cooking machine. My place now is more or less spotless.

    I confess I have a cleaning lady that comes once a week. But it's quite clean throughout the week - she mainly does the ironing.

    No booties required when you come visit. However, as is the European custom, you will be removing your shoes upon entry.


    I make people take off shoes at my house too. Unless they are in flip flops lol

    I only make kids do that. Adults just have to wipe their shoes on the mat outside. The way I see it, is if I want to host a party/get-together/whatever, then the guests comfort is first and foremost. So yeah, I might have to clean p afterward, but if it's such a problem then I won't host next time.

    Which is funny because I hate wearing shoes and always kick them off at the first opportunity.

    Though Jen, why are flip flops the exception? Don't they get as dirty as any other shoe?
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I was a lazy kid around the house whose mother did everything for him, and was well on my way to becoming a lazy adult who didn't do anything. Fortunately, I married a woman who was even worse than me with the chores, so fate lent a hand. Realizing it's only going to happen if I do it, I did a complete 180 and turned into a cleaning/cooking machine. My place now is more or less spotless.

    I confess I have a cleaning lady that comes once a week. But it's quite clean throughout the week - she mainly does the ironing.

    No booties required when you come visit. However, as is the European custom, you will be removing your shoes upon entry.


    I make people take off shoes at my house too. Unless they are in flip flops lol

    I only make kids do that. Adults just have to wipe their shoes on the mat outside. The way I see it, is if I want to host a party/get-together/whatever, then the guests comfort is first and foremost. So yeah, I might have to clean p afterward, but if it's such a problem then I won't host next time.

    Which is funny because I hate wearing shoes and always kick them off at the first opportunity.

    Though Jen, why are flip flops the exception? Don't they get as dirty as any other shoe?

    Cause people dont normally wear socks with flip flops and alot of people feel uncomfortable bare foot (no socks) in someone house. Oh if I'm having a party I suck it up and let every one where their shoes. I meant more if my friends were coming over to watch a movie or something
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    Oh, God. Nothing worse than a grown man who can't keep up his house. Guy I'm seeing (never gave him a nickname) had a pretty messy house... His kitchen was an effin' mess! At the end July, I finally said something (it may have come out a bit CRAZY and *****y) and he has been keeping up on it ever since.

    If a guy can't take care of his own ****, I find it really unattractive and it's an instant red flag.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Before i go to a guys house, I will make jokes about their place being clean. For example, I'll say "Just in case I have to use your bathroom, clean it up!"
    I'm laughing/ flirting about it so it's not like I'm nagging nor ordering them around.