Support for a closet binger

di4me Posts: 5 Member
Hi guys. I'm not new to MFP but I've not been very serious with the way I log my calories or anything but I have decided to start afresh and just focus on getting healthy. I have NEVER told anyone about my binging habits (I don't know how well people will take it) but I think its time for me to finally face the facts and fight this thing head on. I work out pretty often and people generally come to me for advice on healthy eating and exercise, if only they knew what went on behind closed doors.

I'm VERY glad I found this group because I know you can relate with what I'm going through. I was reading through the past posts and was nodding my head at almost every response so I know that I definitely relate with you all.

It would be awesome if you guys added me.


  • wilmawm
    wilmawm Posts: 81 Member
    Hi di4me, welcome to the club all of us wish we didn't need to join. But I am SO glad this group is here!
    I'm sending you a friend invite. :)
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Added! Welcome! :smile: