does anybody else do this??



  • jkandktmom
    jkandktmom Posts: 1,010 Member
    I think Patrick is cute so I like to see him post. :blushing:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    There is a lot of overlap in the way Mike and I perceive topics relevant to single life. However, I wouldn't say that we agree 100% of the time.

    I actually dont liken you to Mike at all. You're never rude, sarcastic or criticising, just matter of fact :flowerforyou:
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    I think Patrick is cute so I like to see him post. :blushing:
    Thanks. My name is not Patrick howev... Oh... wait a minute. Oh... Okay.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I don't disagree that Mike and DM represent a good amount of male thinking. Mike especially however represents an extreme. I know every man will see a lady they consider a 10 and fantasize about getting her nekkie to do the deed. But to me Mike is a caricature of those thoughts. It's all greatly exaggerated and out of proportion. It's like looking at a mans perspective, but in a reflection of a fun house mirror so it's all distorted and weird. On the same note, these are things that all guys think of it, but many don't actually prefer or believe. Ask any guy if in an ideal world he would take a smokin' hot barbie stepford wife to cater to his every whim and they'd say hell yeah! But when it actually comes down to it, as visual and physical as men are they also tend to prefer women of substance when it's time for real life.

    So I get it, men think like Mike does. But most men worth their weight in salt don't actually live like that.

    DM cracks me up because I'm about 75% sure that he's a robot. Every time he posts I think of the borg. "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated."
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    who is patrick????
    I think Patrick is cute so I like to see him post. :blushing:
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    who is patrick????
    I think Patrick is cute so I like to see him post. :blushing:

    --P is Patrick.
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    i think you're cute :blushing:
    who is patrick????
    I think Patrick is cute so I like to see him post. :blushing:

    --P is Patrick.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    I feel like the redheaded stepchild who has nothing of importance to add to a conversation.

    Listen, my redhead child, to ensure a response, here is the trick:
    - Address to someone in particular,
    - Disagree vehemently with their point,
    - Stigmatise a bunch of people semi-aggressively at the same time to force not only this person but other people into hitting that reply button,
    - Raise your shield to absorb the impact.

    I deleted the post 'cause I felt like I was whining. And I hate when people whine.

    So... In short, I should act like an *kitten* and then people will pay attention to me!?

    I like when you chime in with funny little comments.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    i think you're cute :blushing:
    who is patrick????
    I think Patrick is cute so I like to see him post. :blushing:

    --P is Patrick.

  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    Well as you all know.. I have a particular fondness for Mike! I really can't explain it..but I love the extreme, non-nonsense, tell it how he sees it approach, and I've always thought much of it was just to stir up debate or have a little fun. Perhaps I don't believe anyone would actually be that extreme in real life! :tongue:
    Considering I am the antithesis of anyone M would ever date.. I'm not sure why it works.. but I love that man!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Well as you all know.. I have a particular fondness for Mike! I really can't explain it..but I love the extreme, non-nonsense, tell it how he sees it approach, and I've always thought much of it was just to stir up debate or have a little fun. Perhaps I don't believe anyone would actually be that extreme in real life! :tongue:
    Considering I am the antithesis of anyone M would ever date.. I'm not sure why it works.. but I love that man!

    I kinda figured that too, that's why I said he's a caricature. I don't believe he's representative of a real person.

    Certainly wouldn't call it no-nonsense though. More like all-nonsense hahahaha!
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    oh i know there are men just like mike. i've enjoyed reading their conquests and such. but there are men that aren't nomadic in relationships. they want "the ONE" and over at they call it 'oneitis.' LOL! the part that rough is that they treat "the one" like they treat "not the one." so, she doesn't get that in his eyes, she's special :-)
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Didn't know I garnered so much attention on here!

    @Castadiva. I'm originally from eastern Pennsylvania. Which is becoming a big commuter spot for people who work in New York City and even Philadelphia. Both of those major cities are a hike and I wouldn't want to deal with that commute, but a lot of my neighbors growing up worked in NYC.

    @Anna. I have a VERY hard time believing that you don't encounter men like me in London. They might not be so forthright about it, but I can guarantee you that a lot think the same way I do. Yes, there are regional differences, but men are still men.

    I'll be the first to admit that I strive to be jaw-dropping when I post on here. I think the only way to express my opinion among so many strong and outspoken women is to be pretty extreme as well. However, I do speak the truth. Consider my posts a window into the male mind. Grab a pencil and take notes. :wink:
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    I enjoy a good debate (shocking, I know...), so occasionally I do check in specifically to see what Mike has said, because I can pretty much guarantee that'll provoke some response :laugh: DM a little less so, perhaps because he's here less often anyway, and is more concise, less inclined to say things that make me cringe on an almost-every-post basis (though I sometimes think Mike enjoys being a provocateur), and just occasionally, says something I actually agree with (shock, horror!). I do try always to express myself politely and not to 'ram' anyone though, even if I vehemently disagree with what they're saying, and say so!

    I agree with this. I think DM comes at topics in a very logical way, if statistics say men tend to like women in their 20's DM will support that, I don't think he is trying to provoke people. Mike tends to start a *kitten* storm, sometimes it's entertaining. I tend to agree with him on not kissing posters a$$es, but sometimes he's just being an *kitten* and he probably knows it when he's doing it. I don't think Mike represents most men though, I'd say Roadie or Will seem like most the dudes I know.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    oh i know there are men just like mike. i've enjoyed reading their conquests and such. but there are men that aren't nomadic in relationships. they want "the ONE" and over at they call it 'oneitis.' LOL! the part that rough is that they treat "the one" like they treat "not the one." so, she doesn't get that in his eyes, she's special :-)
    Hmm... "Oneitis" would normally considered a pretty bad thing and normally means you haven't been with nearly enough women to realise that no woman is in fact special.
    I doubt they use the term with fondness but rather to make fun of the dude who is into this "one" woman and are probably encouraging him to get over her.
    The other aspect of this is that if you have been with enough women, you are inclined to realise that all women have their share of problem and not put the woman you are interested in on a pedestal, thus minimizing the chances of a oneitis and optimising your chances of success with the said woman.
    I think it should happen naturally though, you shouldn't be forcing it (i.e. playing games to look "disinterested").
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    normally means you haven't been with nearly enough women to realise that no woman is in fact special.

    That is so sad. Are you really that jaded?
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    There is a lot of overlap in the way Mike and I perceive topics relevant to single life. However, I wouldn't say that we agree 100% of the time.

    I actually dont liken you to Mike at all. You're never rude, sarcastic or criticising, just matter of fact :flowerforyou:

    I like to be very matter of fact. :smile: Perhaps that is why Kits thinks I am a robot.
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I know men like Mike in real life and I typically ignore them. One is married to a good friend of my mother's. He's 48, balding with a beer gut and he's 5'10 if he's lucky and he feels the need to have a pretty little thing of his arm and if women aren't thin, blonde and knock outs they aren't worth his time. His wife is 44, looks like she's 20, size 3, dresses provocatively and constantly lives in fear of gaining weight and getting older and not being enough to "keep her man". I'd prefer my life, even if I look 34, am a size 6, and doubt live in fear of not being enough for the one I love.

    This guy is 5'10", has a beer gut, and my personality.. and he's dating a younger woman who looks 20, is a size 3, and keeps in shape. Sounds like this guy wins in every aspect of getting a woman. This guy might even be my new personal hero.

    A lot of guys might want to take note here :laugh:
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    There is a lot of overlap in the way Mike and I perceive topics relevant to single life. However, I wouldn't say that we agree 100% of the time.

    I actually dont liken you to Mike at all. You're never rude, sarcastic or criticising, just matter of fact :flowerforyou:

    I like to be very matter of fact. :smile: Perhaps that is why Kits thinks I am a robot.

    To be fair, one of my favorite characters of all time is Data from TNG.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I know men like Mike in real life and I typically ignore them. One is married to a good friend of my mother's. He's 48, balding with a beer gut and he's 5'10 if he's lucky and he feels the need to have a pretty little thing of his arm and if women aren't thin, blonde and knock outs they aren't worth his time. His wife is 44, looks like she's 20, size 3, dresses provocatively and constantly lives in fear of gaining weight and getting older and not being enough to "keep her man". I'd prefer my life, even if I look 34, am a size 6, and doubt live in fear of not being enough for the one I love.

    This guy is 5'10", has a beer gut, and my personality.. and he's dating a younger woman who looks 20, is a size 3, and keeps in shape. Sounds like this guy wins in every aspect of getting a woman. This guy might even be my new personal hero.

    A lot of guys might want to take note here :laugh:

    I was thinking the same thing. This scenario doesn't sound real at all. Is she a horrid rotten bully of a person that deserves this guy or something?