i am officially depressed and



  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    i feel better. i wasn't happy to hear that he met someone first, but that was jealousy or immaturity or whatever it was. not something i'm proud to say i felt. but, today, i'm fine :-)

    spider solitair is super easy to play!!!
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I don't know if this will make it worse, or help....I hope the latter...

    As I read this thread... and hear you say that it's been 3 years or so in solitude.... I sit here and truly believe, I'm gonna be there too.
    I've built my life around others and never took the time to learn about me. I'm thankful that the last guy gave me the boot, so I can acutally let reality hit me that I need to take time with me.
    What you are saying about being possibly jealous of that guy.... yes I analyze every "opportunity" I've passed up...wondering if I was too picky, or if I should have done something different.
    It all seems soo simple to just want to share your life someone with similar values....but yet, it's not simple.

    So to my point (sorry I'm bad about that) keep your chin up, I may be miles and miles away from you and not know who you are....but I kinda look up to you as someone who's going through what I might be going through in a few years??
    You are very pretty and you seem very intelligent and have your head on great.

    I don't want to say...keep your chin up "he'll come" because no one knows what is meant to be or what they are capable of until it has already happened.

    So chin up, you have a "not so secret" admirer. (not to be confused with stalker, but if that trips your trigger, hey :bigsmile: )

  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    It may not help...but know there is always someone wishing they had what you have.

    For example: I am 43, I've been basically single and barely dated for the past 8 years after a very painful long term relationship that I ended (best decision I ever made). I never married, and I've never had children...and probably never will, which has been a very painful realization over the past few years, because that's one of the few things I ever really wanted in life. So...be thankful you at least had the opportunity to have children.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    PS If those are YOUR legs in your profile photo--you have AMAZING calves...there's that :wink:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I understand how you are feeling, believe me everyone experiences

    this to a certain degree. Take a break from trying to find "someone" for a

    while, and simply focus on improving yourself, either physically,

    intellectually, or even spiritually if that is your thing. I think many times

    people get way to caught up in finding a significant other that they let it consume

    them and their lives. (I am not suggesting you don't have a life, jesus christ

    don't misinterpret what I am saying).

    Then after a good break try again. Don't worry, I sympathize with you feeling lonely.

    It happens to us all.

    completely agree with zacchatta! :smile:

    i'm currently on a break focusing on me :) if I happen to meet a nice guy along with way, that will be great, if not, i'm not going to sweat it. I'm young and need to just enjoy life!
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    thank you!
    you are very sweet :-)

    i do try to be level headed about ALL things!

    i have been really good about making these years about me and my kids. i didn't date for 2 of the three, at all. i just started a year ago. and it's not like i've steadily dated for the past 12 months. i would take several months off here and there.

    i think it's rough because in my younger years, before marriage and kids, i was the one always walking away from guys. i left a trail behind me. so, it's hard to accept that i am not that. well, for one, i don't have the same body i did. and for two i have a ton of kids and a divorce which equals major baggage to most people ( including myself, LOL). so, i've had to come to terms with it all, accept it and then make the best and focus on what i can. and i do feel as though i have done and am doing just that :-)

    being single isn't so bad. but, there are certainly times i WANT someone else in my life. but, i'm also the first to admit that i want things on MY terms. and i don't know that i want things to move too fast in a relationship.... if that makes sense......

    i have to go drop my kids off at their dad's. :-)
    I don't know if this will make it worse, or help....I hope the latter...

    As I read this thread... and hear you say that it's been 3 years or so in solitude.... I sit here and truly believe, I'm gonna be there too.
    I've built my life around others and never took the time to learn about me. I'm thankful that the last guy gave me the boot, so I can acutally let reality hit me that I need to take time with me.
    What you are saying about being possibly jealous of that guy.... yes I analyze every "opportunity" I've passed up...wondering if I was too picky, or if I should have done something different.
    It all seems soo simple to just want to share your life someone with similar values....but yet, it's not simple.

    So to my point (sorry I'm bad about that) keep your chin up, I may be miles and miles away from you and not know who you are....but I kinda look up to you as someone who's going through what I might be going through in a few years??
    You are very pretty and you seem very intelligent and have your head on great.

    I don't want to say...keep your chin up "he'll come" because no one knows what is meant to be or what they are capable of until it has already happened.

    So chin up, you have a "not so secret" admirer. (not to be confused with stalker, but if that trips your trigger, hey :bigsmile: )

  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    thank you :-)
    you're very sweet too!

    i call my reaction an over reaction, acting like a spoiled child because like you said, i know there are others that look at me and think i'm the one is a good place. the lucky one. i am ETERNALLY grateful for all that i have. which is why i don't let my singlehood get me down, and my hissy fit was over before i knew it.

    i have so very much to be grateful for, and i am. if i'm meant to meet someone, i will :-)

    in the mean time i might throw a couple hissy fits as those around me meet their special person......
    PS If those are YOUR legs in your profile photo--you have AMAZING calves...there's that :wink:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I just came from a girls night out and after spending 4 hours yes FOUR HOURS listening to them and their relationship problems, I have never been happier to be single!! lol :drinker: