What keeps you on track?

Sometimes when I need some inspiration or am trying to avoid a binge on sweets, I look up fashion stuff on pinterest. I like seeing cute outfits I can pull off at my new size. What do you do to keep on track?


  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    When I was losing weight, and even now I use a similar strategy. When I was losing weight I hung pictures of clothes I wanted. I had a swim dress that I wanted and had it the catalog clipping hung up for almost a year. I had it in the kitchen. It was right there when I had food choices. Door #1 I could get that dress someday, Door #2 everything else including all excuses. I wanted door #1 and everything it represented really bad. I could have a cookie, but I had to give up other food in my budget and did that once a week or so. I didn't feel deprived. I always wanted more of all the food I ate, but I told myself I could have more tomorrow, so stopped eating because I wanted Door #1.

    Now it's kind of the same thing. Door #1 is keeping the dress, keeping the shape. Door #2 is settling for less or going back to the me that I no longer am, nor do I want to be.

    Here's the dress. I wish I had kept the clipping of the model wearing it.

  • beachgirl172723
    beachgirl172723 Posts: 151 Member
    I love the photos/Door #1 and Door #2 ideas--I am going to do this--need something to pull me back into the zone. Love this.