faulty BMF or not pushing hard enough?

oonga Posts: 336 Member
Hi Guys,

For those of you with a BMF, just wondering how you find your METS and burns for strength training?
I have started STS 2 weeks ago, and it says what the expected METS are for certain workouts, normally around 6.

Now i know that calorie burns are quite low for Strength training and although coming from a running & circuit history, I feel a bit ripped off with my burns LOL It's the METS that gets me wondering if my BMF is faulty or am i not pushing enough??

Normally the average METS for my workouts are around the 2 -3 METS according to the BMF.

I don't really know how i can push harder, i am struggling, lifting to failure at times out of breath from exertion, more so towards the end of a workout or after certain exercises, sweating etc...

So what gives? Anyone know?

I also don't notice that my burns are particularly higher on days that i lift, as opposed to days that i take the dogs for a longer walk? So i don't know about measuring the after burn? Though i guess considering walking is cardio its going to burn more anyway right? Plus i think on lifting days i tend to take it easier with walks etc so its probably not fair to compare those days :)

Otherwise i am loving my BMF and seeing my daily burns :)


  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member
    no ideas from anyone ? :blushing:
  • Gapwedge01
    Plenty of posts in general forum on BodyMediaFit and Fitbit. Personally, I use Garmin devices & Polar HRM. Which I could help.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Its hard to estimate your calorie burns for resistance training.. I can tell you the BMF and Fitbit can't measure this anywhere near accurately.. If you are adding exercise calories to eat back daily for your total, I would probably estimate that if you are sweating and generally exhausted when your done lifting, and you have done it for 45-60 minutes.. its probably around 250-300 calories.
    Resistance training is a more beneficial than longer walks, even though you don't see the high burn number, your using your muscles and training them.. helping boost your body's performance after.. this in turn will hopefully lower that dreaded BF% we all see...

    Your dog may like the long walk, but your body likes the long weight session.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hey Oonga, I know that HarlenJen did an in depth study on this. She wore two devices at the same time and did a write up. Maybe PM or tag her on her newsfeed to get the link. I wouldn't even know where to find it:-)
  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member
    Thanks Greenrun :)
    I am not eating back my exercise calories just eating at a cut, so that part isn't an issue.
    You are right about my dogs loving the longer walks and my body benefiting from the lifting, though i will admit that my mind benefits from getting out for walks and into the fresh air :D
    Mind you i have no intention of giving the lifting up! Totally get the benefits to it and strangely i am beginning to kind of enjoy it LOL

    I remember that study that HarlenJen did, but can't remember the results at the top of my head,though i do recall something along the lines of BMF measuring afterburn and the fitbit not. :)