Hiding Eating?



  • AshlieA96
    AshlieA96 Posts: 50 Member
    Often at night I cant even go to sleep without having a piece of chocolate, or something sweet. Even if i've gone to sleep without something I will wake up then go for it. Pathetic yes but absolutely necessary!!Do I know why no. I've now come to putting the chocolate in the night table so I dont have to get out of bed to get it. But I cant have it if my boyfriend is already in bed sleeping, he will think Im nuts....Since I've started on here I have only done it once and yes i've counted the calories. So I am assuming that before for me it was that if I was alone and eating it, it didnt count, and I could pretend I didnt eat it, cause obviously the calories and what I was eating in the middle of the night didnt matter.
  • Indyimp
    Indyimp Posts: 75 Member
    I do the same thing. For me it's a combo of my eating disorder, binging, and OCD. Anything that is a compulsion may be a sign of OCD. Just remember that OCD is not about cleaning or germs it's about compulsions. My compulsions center around my obsessive list making, hoarding, and placing feelings on non living things. My doctor and I have worked out a plan to deal with this.

  • elleryjones
    elleryjones Posts: 88 Member
    I just wanted to thank you all for creating this topic. I thought about your replies all day today and was motivated to make it all day without a binge. Yay! I've done a lot of reading about this and have struggled with it for many years. I'm starting to figure out that one of my triggers to self sabotage has to do with the pressure I was under (both self induced as well as from family) to be "perfect" when I was younger. My body was always up for comment as well as what I was eating. So now, when I eat in secret and/or binge, it's a demented way of "getting back" at my father, my old fitness coach, etc.

    For right now, I'm just trying very hard to take it a day at a time. If anyone else wants to join me in this and check in every day, I'd love the company!