Next Week..

I will be gone on a village trip for work from sunday to friday or sat. I will be staying in the little clinic so i wont be able to do my workouts :( I will probably fall behind you guys a bit...I was going to do workouts 2x a day this week but that hasnt been going too well LOL But once i get home im kicking it into high gear and will get back to my workouts :) even if i am behind and cant catch up I will just finish later...I hope you guys all have a good week next week :)


  • cfrancewife
    Don't feel bad. I have fallen off the wagon. I don't even know where to begin. I have gone back to emotional eating. It doesn't help either that my husband tells me I could stand to skip some meals. I think I've it a major road block , and I'm trying to get back up again. I'm sorry to take over your post. You have done well so far. I'm sure you'll make your trip work
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Have a great trip, Jessica.

    cfrance, hang in there! I completely sympathize. I don't even eat back all my calories (I am almost always under 1200 net) but I snack all day - actually good, healthy stuff that I am eating on purpose because I am burning calories, but my boyfriend keeps saying, "you're eating AGAIN? I don't understand a diet that tells you to eat so much."

    I have to remind myself that he is *trying* but he says stupid unsupportive things sometimes and doesn't know how it affects me. Someone who has never struggled with their weight or emotional/compulsive eating just doesn't get the triggers or how little comments hit home. I could make a list of things he has said that makes me want to a) crawl under the covers, and/or b) hit him with a shovel but he doesn't try to be hurtful.

    If you don't mind, I have sent you a friend request. Just start somewhere, anywhere! Do 30DS - or half of it, walk the dog, throw away one thing you would like to eat but know you shouldn't, drink two big cold glasses of water and log them in MFP, just take one step that can be empowering. Read through some of the posts on the Motivation/Support Message Board and you will see so many people who are going through the same thing and reaching out. You can do it! :)
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    We get off track, for all kinds of reasons, or we wouldn't be here. I had a 3 day migraine, lost track of my days on 30 DS but I'm going back to count tonight and start back where I left off. I didn't eat enough, and what i did mostly came back up. I can give up or try again, LETS ALL try again!!! These are the things that will make us stronger and more successful! Getting back on track when we wonder off for what ever reason. Love ourselves, LIFE happens, if it's a trip, a special meal, bad feelings, illness or injury ......then we come back to what we want for ourselves and back here for support. Friend me if you'd like, I'm choosing the high road and picking myself back up today, join me?
  • jessica182517
    jessica182517 Posts: 390 Member
    Don't feel bad. I have fallen off the wagon. I don't even know where to begin. I have gone back to emotional eating. It doesn't help either that my husband tells me I could stand to skip some meals. I think I've it a major road block , and I'm trying to get back up again. I'm sorry to take over your post. You have done well so far. I'm sure you'll make your trip work

    I have been there a few times, and the past few days i have been right there...I hope you get your motivation back and get to where you want to be :) Its hard and at times you slip up but it happens dont get too upset about it just take your break then get back to it :)
  • jessica182517
    jessica182517 Posts: 390 Member
    We get off track, for all kinds of reasons, or we wouldn't be here. I had a 3 day migraine, lost track of my days on 30 DS but I'm going back to count tonight and start back where I left off. I didn't eat enough, and what i did mostly came back up. I can give up or try again, LETS ALL try again!!! These are the things that will make us stronger and more successful! Getting back on track when we wonder off for what ever reason. Love ourselves, LIFE happens, if it's a trip, a special meal, bad feelings, illness or injury ......then we come back to what we want for ourselves and back here for support. Friend me if you'd like, I'm choosing the high road and picking myself back up today, join me?

    Love it! I will join you, cant do my workouts till i get back though :( lol