5 month plateau for the SECOND time :(

PtownKween Posts: 10 Member
I started at 212 lbs. Plateaued at the beginning of the year at 195 for about 5 months. Now, i'm 170 and plateaued again for the 5th month in a row. I have very strong legs, I am averaging 4 days a week working out, mostly 30-60 mins of cardio and at least 30 min of weight. I never do the same thing twice in the same week. I have Jillian DvD's the 30 min shred, which makes me sweat to death! i'm about 5'5. I have never really had the goal of reaching 145 until 170 became a reality. I need some information and help. It seems as though I may not be eating enough. I also just purchased the body media core arm band w/ bluetooth. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks again. IF anyone wants to add me that is fine. All suggestions appreciated.


  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    how many calories are u eating?

    i know if i have weeks where i haven't eaten enough, i will not lose anything.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I started at 212 lbs. Plateaued at the beginning of the year at 195 for about 5 months. Now, i'm 170 and plateaued again for the 5th month in a row. I have very strong legs, I am averaging 4 days a week working out, mostly 30-60 mins of cardio and at least 30 min of weight. I never do the same thing twice in the same week. I have Jillian DvD's the 30 min shred, which makes me sweat to death! i'm about 5'5. I have never really had the goal of reaching 145 until 170 became a reality. I need some information and help. It seems as though I may not be eating enough. I also just purchased the body media core arm band w/ bluetooth. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks again. IF anyone wants to add me that is fine. All suggestions appreciated.

    Run your numbers for your routine, or actually on avg what it seems to be since you mix it up a bit, and see what a reasonable deficit would be.

    You have less wiggle room as you lose more.

    Deficit is also smaller as you get closer, and less deficit if main workout is cardio.

    If you know the BMR/TDEE explanation you can skip that and link for spreadsheet for logging your numbers is at the bottom of the post.
