When you started, how much weight to your goal?

Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
I am trying to sort of take a poll from all of you who have been doing the JMBR, have completed it, or are going to be doing it.

I am curious because of reading people's results, their frustrations and their successes.

I would like to know how far you were from your goal weight when you started, and how much you lost, if you already completed the program.

I am wondering if people becoming frustrated with no weight loss, just inches, have all that much to lose?

I am 5'.25" tall, and weight 164+- a lb or two. I want to get below 120 as my goal. UGW is 108...BUT, I plan on seeing how I look and feel below 120.

I know JM's work outs do transform bodies! I know that inches do count, and muscle is built, and takes up much less space than fat. As much as I know all of this, and appreciate it, I DO WANT TO LOSE LBS, and a significant amount of them, during my 90 day transformation.

Also, for the people who have done the program, did you follow her diet program to a T or modify it to work for you? And if you did, how did you modify it?

Thank you in advance for anyone kind enough to answer! I plan on starting my transformation in January when I can afford to buy the program. :) Looking forward to it.


  • mayday1969
    mayday1969 Posts: 123 Member
    I started at 167.5 and lost 30 on the program. I would like to lose another 10 pounds. I never felt frusterated. it was 1-2 pounds a week for me!

    I'm 5' 8"

    I followed the diet to a "t". But I know a lot of people have had success just following their own sort of plan that works for them. This one worked for me! It taught me how to eat cleanly and cook! Its a great cookbook for people like me who arent the best cookers.
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    I was 16 lbs away from goal weight and lost 14 during the program. I didn't the follow the diet at all and didn't start losing weight until the second month but I did lose inches. I was patient and stuck with it, no frustration.
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    I am 5'7" and started at 154. I am two workouts away from the end (whoop whoop) and had a goal of hitting 140. Today the scale showed 140.4... I am hoping when I do my final weigh in on Saturday it will be at 140.

    Did I follow the diet? Not exactly. I did Kickstart and dropped a bunch, which is expected. But I did start eating breakfast (I love the greek yogurt with cinnamon and almonds). I eat a huge veggie salad every day on weekdays. And try to stick to 1200 on most days (I go over on weekends... but add extra workouts to balance it out).

    Some things that helped me:
    * Take measurements and pics! Its shocking to see those numbers. The scale is only a piece of the puzzle.
    * Extra cardio. I added extra cardio workouts along the way to get some extra workouts for my 'extra' calories. I did C25K (sorta) and bought TurboFire. I sometimes add 10 mins of JMBR Cardio after another workout too.

    Stick with it and trust in Jillian... this program did everything I hoped it would do!
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    Thank you so much for your responses, ladies!! I really appreciate it!
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    I started with 35 pounds to go to my first goal of a normal BMI (183.8). I'm through phase 2 and while I've "only" lost 7.8 pounds (I was losing faster before Jillian on the same food plan), I've lost 23.25 inches. I don't follow her food plan, because I'm not a small person (6ft tall and began BR at 218.8) and 1200 calories is not enough for me. But I'm very consistent with 1700 calories a day.
  • SeasonedMom
    SeasonedMom Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'6 and when I started I weighed 122 I was never looking to lose weight but wanted to look toned. I am halfway through the first week of phase 2 and have lost 3lbs and just over 3inches. I don't follow her diet at all and eat anywhere from 1400 to 2100 calories a day. However I have cut pop and coffee out of my diet and replaced it with green tea so I still get my caffeine :) Not frustrated yet. But I do HATE cardio days......