Eating excessive amounts of protein will NOT build muscle

My DH sometimes forwards me these "healthy tip of the day" emails provided from our work. Here is today’s....

Welcome to the Tip of the Day! *** Today's Tip: PROTEIN NEEDS FOR ATHLETES The average diet contains enough protein for recreational or even competitive athletes. Eating excessive amounts of protein or amino acids will not build muscle. But it can deplete your wallet if you are supplementing with expensive protein powders or pills. Six to seven daily ounces of lean meat, poultry or fish or the equivalent from eggs, beans, nuts or seeds, along with dairy foods and grain products, provide enough protein for most athletes. If you have questions about your body's protein needs, consult a registered dietitian.

I want to send him resources showing that this is total BS. I see my DH is questioning what I am doing. I am new at all this. I started this about a month ago. So I dont know a whole bunch but I do know that I feel alot better since adding extra protein to my diet. I am noe starting to see some results. I just want something to send him so he knows the truth.
