Am I the only one who thinks this might be fun?

I'm really tempted to do a complete hybrids months, where one week you do one program and the next another and so forth e.g. week 1 Insanity, week 2 30 Day Shred, week 3 turbo fire, week 4 zumba etc

for some reason, I just think that it'd be a lot of fun.It'd be interesting to see what it would do to your body.


  • I think it could be fun. And keeps it interesting which is a bonus and motivating.
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    It would mix things up a little and be motivating. Keep you from being bored with the same thing. I am considering doing this. I am currently doing 30 day shred and moving on to level 2.
  • Imaan2012
    Imaan2012 Posts: 156 Member
    This is something that I also really would like to do, mix everything...

    Perhaps I can do this when I have to DVD's for the different workouts.

    I'm thinking Insanity/P90x/Turbo fire/Les Mills Pump and some Brazilian Butt lifting in the weekends!!!

    Can only imagine how muscle confused my body would be
  • RunionX4
    RunionX4 Posts: 190 Member
    I think that would be good but I think I'm need finish the 30 day shred then do insanity then might try this way. I think I need to do them all the way thru first. Get my body and mind in shape first. :wink:
  • LJP1982
    LJP1982 Posts: 45 Member
    Yes! Someone should experiement and provide a calendar! :wink:
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    I'm getting Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown and 6 Week 6 Pack. I think I will mix them up with the 30 Day Shred.:smile: