


  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    So.....let me get this straight. In a man's perspective:

    If a 38 yr old man pursues a 26 yr old woman, there would be a possibility for a LTR.

    But, if a 26 yr old man pursues a 38 yr old woman, he's just looking for a piece of *kitten*.

    Good to know. Thanks guys.

    I have to confess that even in re reading everything again I am not seeing any post that remotely even suggests this. :flowerforyou:
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    So.....let me get this straight. In a man's perspective:

    If a 38 yr old man pursues a 26 yr old woman, there would be a possibility for a LTR.

    But, if a 26 yr old man pursues a 38 yr old woman, he's just looking for a piece of *kitten*.

    Good to know. Thanks guys.

    I have to confess that even in re reading everything again I am not seeing any post that remotely even suggests this. :flowerforyou:

    It hasn't been stated so blatantly in this thread, but in the past it has come up from the usual suspects.
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    So.....let me get this straight. In a man's perspective:

    If a 38 yr old man pursues a 26 yr old woman, there would be a possibility for a LTR.

    But, if a 26 yr old man pursues a 38 yr old woman, he's just looking for a piece of *kitten*.

    Good to know. Thanks guys.

    I have to confess that even in re reading everything again I am not seeing any post that remotely even suggests this. :flowerforyou:

    It hasn't been stated so blatantly in this thread, but in the past it has come up from the usual suspects.

    Yup Yup Yup!

    A girl friend of mine (46) is dating a 22 year old. He is head over heels. She knows it will end one day or another but they fit. She has been upfront with him and told him; "No, you can't move in with me. Plus, you know this can't go on forever." He insists. So we shall see how or where this ends up but for now they are having a grand ol time!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    So.....let me get this straight. In a man's perspective:

    If a 38 yr old man pursues a 26 yr old woman, there would be a possibility for a LTR.

    But, if a 26 yr old man pursues a 38 yr old woman, he's just looking for a piece of *kitten*.

    Good to know. Thanks guys.

    I have to confess that even in re reading everything again I am not seeing any post that remotely even suggests this. :flowerforyou:

    It hasn't been stated so blatantly in this thread, but in the past it has come up from the usual suspects.

    It hasn`t been stated at all and why it kind of annoys me to be thrown out here.

    There are lots of things that get suggested by lots of people in lots of threads over time but that still is not cause for trying to weave it into another where it does not exist.
    It does nothing positive.
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    So.....let me get this straight. In a man's perspective:

    If a 38 yr old man pursues a 26 yr old woman, there would be a possibility for a LTR.

    But, if a 26 yr old man pursues a 38 yr old woman, he's just looking for a piece of *kitten*.

    Good to know. Thanks guys.

    I have to confess that even in re reading everything again I am not seeing any post that remotely even suggests this. :flowerforyou:

    It hasn't been stated so blatantly in this thread, but in the past it has come up from the usual suspects.

    At 39, I passed up an opportunity with a 26 year old who had a good job and 2 master's degrees because i felt she was too immature and we didn't have similar life experiences. At 41, I passed on a 32 year old because I thought she was too much of a party girl.
  • browneyedgirl7928
    browneyedgirl7928 Posts: 910 Member
    I don't get why #1 is so shy. Generally, high powered business men don't get very far in work if they are too shy. You have to be able to talk to people, make deals, sales, etc.

    Guy #2 sounds like a better catch IMO.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Isn't there someone in this group that is in a successful realtionship with a guy like 15 years younger then her? Name is right there in front of me but can't think of it. She had the non-boyfriend boyfriend.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    Isn't there someone in this group that is in a successful realtionship with a guy like 15 years younger then her? Name is right there in front of me but can't think of it. She had the non-boyfriend boyfriend.

  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    So.....let me get this straight. In a man's perspective:

    If a 38 yr old man pursues a 26 yr old woman, there would be a possibility for a LTR.

    But, if a 26 yr old man pursues a 38 yr old woman, he's just looking for a piece of *kitten*.

    Good to know. Thanks guys.

    I have to confess that even in re reading everything again I am not seeing any post that remotely even suggests this. :flowerforyou:

    It hasn't been stated so blatantly in this thread, but in the past it has come up from the usual suspects.

    It hasn`t been stated at all and why it kind of annoys me to be thrown out here.

    There are lots of things that get suggested by lots of people in lots of threads over time but that still is not cause for trying to weave it into another where it does not exist.
    It does nothing positive.

    The reason I stated it is because anytime a relationship question is asked where a man is younger, the men are very quick to state that the relationship will only be that of a sexual nature. The OP stated that she and her "blue eyes" have both told each other they are looking for more than FWB, yet the men jumped right to the conclusion that this was all the relationship would amount to. Why is that? There are relationships that can get past the "age" boundaries. This is why I was annoyed.

    I get very annoyed because this is not said about a man in his 30s dating a woman in her 20s. Why is ok to be so negative in responding to the women and not the men?

    ETA - I don't think it's a bad thing to cross-threads when we are talking about dating advice. I'm trying to figure out why there is a double standard in dating....why an older man can date a younger woman, but an older woman cannot date a younger man.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member

    The reason I stated it is because anytime a relationship question is asked where a man is younger, the men are very quick to state that the relationship will only be that of a sexual nature. The OP stated that she and her "blue eyes" have both told each other they are looking for more than FWB, yet the men jumped right to the conclusion that this was all the relationship would amount to. Why is that? There are relationships that can get past the "age" boundaries. This is why I was annoyed.

    I get very annoyed because this is not said about a man in his 30s dating a woman in her 20s. Why is ok to be so negative in responding to the women and not the men?

    See,there is a difference between expressing an opinion and the reason for it as you did here and insinuating it has been part of the thread.
    I looked at it and said to myself "Where did that come from?"

    I would note it is far more then just guys here suggesting that he only wants fun,my rough guess is 75% of the ladies inferred it as well if you read what was written.

    Fwiw,the stereotype,and not saying it is true but what is would be a much younger woman is likely only interested in an older guy for reasons of security (presumed financial) and again that too was suggested here by a lady.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member

    ETA - I don't think it's a bad thing to cross-threads when we are talking about dating advice. I'm trying to figure out why there is a double standard in dating....why an older man can date a younger woman, but an older woman cannot date a younger man.

    There is no problem,some background and context is needed though to avoid confusion as to the reason.:flowerforyou:
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    There is no problem,some background and context is needed though to avoid confusion as to the reason.:flowerforyou:

    Thanks hon. :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Isn't there someone in this group that is in a successful realtionship with a guy like 15 years younger then her? Name is right there in front of me but can't think of it. She had the non-boyfriend boyfriend.


    Yes yes that is it. Thank you.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Guy #1 sounds like a doctor I was dating. You are wasting your time with him. Move on! These types are forever single....

    Guy #2 is a maybe, but the age apparently bothers you.

    I say find another one your age that is willing to commit.
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    So.....let me get this straight. In a man's perspective:

    If a 38 yr old man pursues a 26 yr old woman, there would be a possibility for a LTR.

    But, if a 26 yr old man pursues a 38 yr old woman, he's just looking for a piece of *kitten*.

    Good to know. Thanks guys.

    I have to confess that even in re reading everything again I am not seeing any post that remotely even suggests this. :flowerforyou:

    It hasn't been stated so blatantly in this thread, but in the past it has come up from the usual suspects.

    It hasn`t been stated at all and why it kind of annoys me to be thrown out here.

    There are lots of things that get suggested by lots of people in lots of threads over time but that still is not cause for trying to weave it into another where it does not exist.
    It does nothing positive.

    The reason I stated it is because anytime a relationship question is asked where a man is younger, the men are very quick to state that the relationship will only be that of a sexual nature. The OP stated that she and her "blue eyes" have both told each other they are looking for more than FWB, yet the men jumped right to the conclusion that this was all the relationship would amount to. Why is that? There are relationships that can get past the "age" boundaries. This is why I was annoyed.

    I get very annoyed because this is not said about a man in his 30s dating a woman in her 20s. Why is ok to be so negative in responding to the women and not the men?

    ETA - I don't think it's a bad thing to cross-threads when we are talking about dating advice. I'm trying to figure out why there is a double standard in dating....why an older man can date a younger woman, but an older woman cannot date a younger man.

    It is what it is. All of us "usual suspects" have one thing in common, we were 26 year old men at one time. We know how 26 y/o men think and act. Most would jump at the chance to be a FWB with anyone they're attracted to, but if you ask them if there is any long term potential, most would say no.

    And we're talking 12 years here, not 2-3 years.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    It is what it is. All of us "usual suspects" have one thing in common, we were 26 year old men at one time. We know how 26 y/o men think and act. Most would jump at the chance to be a FWB with anyone they're attracted to, but if you ask them if there is any long term potential, most would say no.

    And we're talking 12 years here, not 2-3 years.

    When men 25 and over are looking for someone with long term potential, most look for a younger woman. A part of the reason we do this is because women dictate we should do this. Women usually go for older men, so we want to position ourselves best for success. A lot of times, the explanation for why men behave the way that they do is because they took their cues from feedback from women on how to behave.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    just to play devil's advocate: what difference does it make if 3-4 guys on this forum think it's OK for 38 year old guys to date 26 year old women but not the other way around? it's not like they are going to crash through the OP's windows and call child protective services if she decided to go for the young'un :laugh:
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    It is what it is. All of us "usual suspects" have one thing in common, we were 26 year old men at one time. We know how 26 y/o men think and act. Most would jump at the chance to be a FWB with anyone they're attracted to, but if you ask them if there is any long term potential, most would say no.

    And we're talking 12 years here, not 2-3 years.

    When men 25 and over are looking for someone with long term potential, most look for a younger woman. A part of the reason we do this is because women dictate we should do this. Women usually go for older men, so we want to position ourselves best for success. A lot of times, the explanation for why men behave the way that they do is because they took their cues from feedback from women on how to behave.

    The reason for women seeming to desire older men may be as a result of experiencing what Mike just said too so the whole thing becomes a chicken/egg circle. :laugh:
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    I've pretty much assumed any time an older guy was with a younger woman, it was mainly for sex too. What else would he be interested in? If it had long term potential it was because he wanted sex and she wanted someone with more earning power. If I dated someone who was 24, one of my biggest fears was she still lived at home and I'd have to meet her dad while she was getting ready. There's a good chance I'm closer to the dad's age than to the 24-year old woman's age.
  • he seems uninterested he says he's just really busy, likes spending time with me, and is very quiet. We haven't actually gone on a real date. Mainly we hang out at his place

    not a guy

    but this means hes not intrested