Hi, I'm new to this way of eating.

I'm finishing a VLCD soon, the purpose of which was to reset my body/mind in relation to portions (I had been given gigantic portions since toddlerhood) and I've found that when I don't eat grains I feel a lot better. I have always gained weight very easily, even when it seemed like I wasn't really eating any more than anyone else. I also don't have the terrible sugar/carb cravings if I stay away from grains and sugar...its when I have a bit that they set in.

I LOVe vegetables and meats, so I don't think I'll have a hard time with the food. I also don't have a hard time sticking to a meal plan, as long as I have one. If I don't know what I should eat, then I just eat whatever and its sugarjunk city.
So any resources or ideas would be greatly appreciated.


  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    start with marks daily apple and move through robb wolf and whole 30.
  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member
    I understand about the portion size thing.

    I am having to undergo a similar process due to enforced inactivity - meaning that I now need to eat about half of what I previously ate!

    Remarkably my main difficulty is not hunger, but habit. I used to be in the habit of eating in a certain way at certain times, and in certain amounts. It is not easy to change those habits now that my needs are different! It takes a load of conscious thought to do it!

    In some ways transferring more recently to Primal eating has made me stop and think about everything I'm doing with my food, and this has helped give me more reason to avoid the old "reach for" snacks I used to take.

    I know some folk doing Paleo/Primal don't log calories, but I feel that it is important for me to do so - at least for a while. I imagine the that is probably the case for you too. However I wouldn't couple the dietary change with an aim of loosing more than 1/2 lb a week to start with.... in other words deal with a successful dietary change before attempting to push for greater weight loss. The loss may happen anyway and that is a bonus, but don't aim for it with a low cal allowance.

    So I started on 1st Dec and I'm now on day 16 and feel that it is easy to maintain now.... indeed I'm quite enjoying the novelty of the different foods I now choose to eat!

    Good luck! :)
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Hi and welcome!!