Find your accountability twin!



  • Hello!!

    Age: 31
    Height: 5'3
    Daily calorie goal: 1680
    CW: 230
    GW: 150
    Preferred work out: wii, walking, stationary bike, work out dvs

    I would really love a twin! I will look back to see if anyone matches me! I hope I find someone :-)
  • Age: 31
    Height: 5'6"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1840
    CW: 296 lbs.
    challenge GW: 275 lbs.
    UGW: 140 lbs.
    Preferred work-out: walking

    Rochie81, do you have a twin yet? I'm just joining in, but we have similar weight goals.

    Age: 33
    Height: 5'5"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1500-1600
    CW: 284
    Challenge GW: 260
    Preferred Workout: Walking, Zumba DVDs, elliptical
  • Age: 26
    Height: 5'7"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1,610
    SW: 300lbs
    CW: 289lbs
    GW: 275 for the 10 weeks :)
    Preferred work-outs: walking, stationary bikes

    Im so excited :)

    TWINS?! Friend Request me if you're cool with us being twinsies.

    Age: 21
    Height: 5'6"
    Daily Calories: 1610
    CW: 267
    GW: (for this challenge) 245
    Preferred Workouts: walking, hiking, and i'm trying to get into zumba

  • NyteMirage
    NyteMirage Posts: 315 Member
    I think this is a great idea too! I'd love to find me a diet twin! Woo Hoo! Here is my info:

    Age: 31
    Height: 5'3"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1350
    CW: 198.6 (12/23/12)
    GW: 140lbs
    Preferred work-outs: Walking. I need to start doing my Zumba on xbox kinect again. I'd like to lost 15lbs on this challenge.

  • NyteMirage
    NyteMirage Posts: 315 Member
    Just looking for a twin , hope its not to late. Here is my info:)

    Height: 5'2
    Calorie goal :1200
    Current weight:210
    Goal weight for challange: 15lbs
    Ultimate goal weight: 140
    Preferred workouts: walking

    Hope to find an accountability partner, this is a really good idea.

    Wanna be partners?

    Ibleaveinme & Saritamac25, Can we be triplets!? Both of you seem to be a great match for me, but looks like you might already be paired up? Here is my info.

    Age: 31
    Height: 5'3"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1350
    CW: 198.6 (12/23/12)
    GW: 140lbs
    Preferred work-outs: Walking. I need to start doing my Zumba on xbox kinect again. I'd like to lost 15lbs on this challenge.

  • I'm looking for a twin!

    Age: 22
    Height: 5'8''
    Cal Goal: 1400
    CW: 165.0
    GW (for 10 weeks): 152.0
    Ultimate GW: 140.0

    Preferred workout: Turbo fire, yoga, 30DS, swimming

    Twin...? Is that you...??? HaHa! :laugh:

    Here's my info. Let me know what you think. :smile:

    Age: 24
    Height: 5'6''
    Cal Goal: 1500
    CW: 168.0
    GW: 140.0

    I'm planning to start the 30DS on 31st Jan. Never done it before, just wanted to see how I get on with it.
  • Twin...? Is that you...??? HaHa! :laugh:

    Here's my info. Let me know what you think. :smile:

    Age: 24
    Height: 5'6''
    Cal Goal: 1500
    CW: 168.0
    GW: 140.0

    I'm planning to start the 30DS on 31st Jan. Never done it before, just wanted to see how I get on with it.
  • Ragoub
    Ragoub Posts: 16 Member
    So excited for this!

    Age: 23
    Height: 5'5"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1200
    CW: 172
    GW: 150
    Preferred work-outs: Elliptical, strength training (NTC workouts)

    Hoping to find a twin on here! 2013, bring it on!!
  • Ragoub
    Ragoub Posts: 16 Member
    Let me know if you're still looking for a twin! Our info matches haha!
    Twin...? Is that you...??? HaHa! :laugh:

    Here's my info. Let me know what you think. :smile:

    Age: 24
    Height: 5'6''
    Cal Goal: 1500
    CW: 168.0
    GW: 140.0

    I'm planning to start the 30DS on 31st Jan. Never done it before, just wanted to see how I get on with it.
  • smileyII
    smileyII Posts: 37 Member
    If you do not have a twin yet, I think we are pretty close.

    38 years old
    daily calorie goal less than 1500
    CW 147
    GW 130
    Preferred workouts: treadmill but I am going to try yoga, cycling etc starting in January.
  • smileyII
    smileyII Posts: 37 Member
    Age: 38
    Height: 5'6"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1200 net
    CW: 149
    GW: 135 (LTG and challenge goal)
    Workouts: starting insanity in new year!

    If this sounds familiar, please friend me!

    If you do not have a twin yet, I think we are pretty close.

    38 years old
    daily calorie goal less than 1500
    CW 147
    GW 130
    Preferred workouts: treadmill but I am going to try yoga, cycling etc starting in January.
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'4"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1600-1800
    CW: 156/157
    GW: 130
    Preferred work-outs: Cycling and Pilates
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'4"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1600-1800
    CW: 156/157
    GW: 130
    Preferred work-outs: Cycling and Pilates

    Age: 26
    Height: 5'4"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1550 (BMR)
    CW: 156/157
    GW: 135
    Preferred work-outs: walking, hiking, lifting, with the occasional roller skating and zumba class thrown in :wink:
  • jacque1129
    jacque1129 Posts: 113 Member
    Age: 19
    Height: 5'7"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1500
    SW: 195
    CW: 157
    GW: 148 (for 10 week challenge)
    UGW: 135
    Preferred work-outs: Walking, Blogilates Challenges, and Strength Training.

    Hopefully I can find a twin! Add me and send a message if you think we're a good match!
  • 280days_keto
    280days_keto Posts: 90 Member
    Age: 26
    Hieght: 5'4"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1200
    CW: About 165lbs (it's been going up and down a lot lately)
    GW: 155(for 10 week challenge)
    UGW: 125-130lbs
    Preferred work-outs: walking,dvds,want to start strength training at home
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Age: 33
    Hieght: 5'7"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1300
    CW: 285 lbs
    GW: 170 lbs
    Preferred work-outs: Just Dance, Cross-trainer, cycling
  • Anyone that cant find there twin just want to be accountability partners?
  • I think this is an awesome idea. I like the accountability of it. Here are my stats:
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'5"
    Daily calorie goal:1390
    GW (challenge): 199.9 ONEderland baby!
    UGW: 150-160 toned & healthy
  • This is a great idea!

    Age: 39
    Height: 5'4"
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1520
    CW: 210 lbs
    GW: 170 lbs
    Preferred work-outs: Walking
    Are you already taken? I think we're fairly close.
    I think this is an awesome idea. I like the accountability of it. Here are my stats:
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'5"
    Daily calorie goal:1390
    GW (challenge): 199.9 ONEderland baby!
    UGW: 150-160 toned & healthy
    Are you already taken? I think we're pretty close...
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member
    Anyone that cant find there twin just want to be accountability partners?

    Hi Flatbaster201 I haven't found anyone yet

    I am Mandy 49 135lbs do Zumba, body pump and pilates. Happy to twin you if you want