


  • FitGoalsWithJenn
    Hiya! I'm Jenn.

    After 4 neck surgeries from an injury in a car crash 5.5 years ago I am FINALLY able to exercise again!

    I eat clean, count calories and regularly lift weights with some cardio.

    ~~Since September I've lost 45 pounds.~~
    My goal weight is 130.
    Current weight is 169.

    Add me ;-)
  • yocando
    yocando Posts: 101 Member
    Greetings MFP Peeps!
    I wrestled with signing up for the group since receiving the invite, as I'm fearful of failure!
    Today, I finally had the courage to dive in!
    I've been active my entire adult life. My favorite forms of exercise at this time are hot yoga, running, and swimming laps in the pool during the winter months. I'm a silent sports afficiando --snowshoeing, skate skiing, road and trail riding on my bikes, paddling, running.....
    A couple years ago- due to working with an impossible director, I peaked at 198. I've taken off 30 of those pounds. Last winter when I left the job, I got down to 160.... and have gained back 10 of those pounds.. Ideally, I would like to lose 30 pounds.
    I am a foodie... and never completely succeed when attempting weight loss programs. It's a source of comfort for me- eating that is. Thus, I need to stop the compulsive overeating... because the way I exercise, I should not be carrying the extra weight. I exercise so I don't gain... and because of how it makes me feel.
    I live just outside Madison, WI- and have lived in this area since '95. I live with my handsome, sweet cat, Alex. Wish I could say I had a special man in my life, but that's not the case... I work as an Office Manager at a University.. drive a prius, am not a vegetarian, but don't eat a lot of meat. I eat mostly clean...lots of fruits and veggies and healthy stuff. and am an excellent cook. I'm into things that promote a healthy lifestyle- and sprung from a family full of heart disease and health issues. I'm extremely healthy- knock on wood.

    My biggest issue is compulsive over eating... and not being able to control my hunger.. I should probably be eating 5 small meals a day.

    I support those in my corner and have been on MFP for about 4 months...
    I'd love to lose 5 pounds a month between now and June... let's do this!!

  • MsTuT1
    MsTuT1 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello everyone~

    My name is Elizabeth and I am 21 years old. I'm currently living in Florida and work in the Mental Health and substance abuse field. I've been battling with my weight since I was a child. At age 13 I was already at 200 lbs. and that was when dieting became a huge part of my life. I was a able to drop down to 143 and stayed that size all through highschool! It was awesome to begin feeling confident in how I was looking and I learned to love myself versus constantly worrying about what others thought of me. Then I started my first job lol. Working in an office setting, going out to lunch all the time and not excersise as often as I should was all it took.

    June 2012 I weighed in at 216 pounds. Its December and I weigh 184:). My goal is to lose another 30-35lbs.

    I wish everyone lots of encouragement on their weight loss journey! ! Feel free to add me as a friend! My one piece of wisdom to everyone is to remember that its not a diet that leads to success its a lifestyle change.
  • JDAlder
    JDAlder Posts: 153 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I wanted to find a support group and this looks to be just about up my alley. I really want to lose around 25-30 lbs and I find that when your held accountable, it makes the goal easier to achieve. I'm in the Airforce and currently stationed over in the United Kingdom but soon I'll be back in the States living in AZ. I know if I don't start now, it will only be harder trying to workout in that heat!

    Height: 5'8"
    Starting Weight: 194 lbs
    Goal Weight: 170 lbs
    Plan: Drop excess weight to goal then focus on toning/building muscle
  • lilck31
    lilck31 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Celeste. I am 32 & I work in human resources and sit aot a desk all day. I started this app last Saturday at 152 pounds and so far have lost 6 pounds with remaining at 1200 per calories per day. My ideal weight would be about 120 as in high school . So far I love this app and hope the weight will continue to drop off. I tried just working out for about a year and did not lose any weigh
  • kzandarski
    Hi all
    I am Karen. I am 42 years old with 4 girls; 2 adults and 2 still at home. I run an after school program for middle school students, home school my daughters and am working on my masters degree in English. I stay really busy!
    I have been heavy my whole life until 12 years ago when I lost 75 lbs.. Because of thyroid problems I have put back on 50. I lose very very slowly but if I stay focused I do lose. I generally do not stay focused. :( I am hoping this group helps me stay motivated.

    I love to exercise and spend about an hour a day 5-7 days a week running, lifting weights or swimming.

    Thanks for letting me join.
  • EpitomeOfSxy
    EpitomeOfSxy Posts: 157 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Erika, I am 27 years old, recently engaged. I am 5 ft 2 and weigh 162 lbs. I plan to lose roughly 42-47 lbs all together however I am aiming to lose 30 lbs by April. My wedding is in April 2014 so April 2013 is my goal to find a dress and commit . I would like to have under 15 lbs to lose when I make my commitment to a dress so there doesn't need to be crazy alterations and I am don't want to purchase a dress in a smaller size in hopes to fit it because I don't want to be panicked right before my wedding trying to fit into it if God forbid I didn't lose all the weight I had hoped when I purchased it too small! I *need* to stay committed and motivated. I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia in case there are others out there in this group with similar conditions and we can help keep each other motivated through not-so-great feeling days.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I never introduced myself. I am Wonder Woman...yes and I am an Amazon and we all compete constantly on Paradise Island to see who is the best! We battle hard to stay in shape to protect our island from the throes of the evil world. Since I fight crime and villains...I must stay in shape. So I workout! These muscles don't come by themselves!!! I need help too! I love the comraderie of my fellow Amazons. I also don't mind about the male species either...they are quite interesting! LOL!
  • aitch_dee
    Hi everyone,

    I hope you all don't mind me joining this group even though you've all been hard at i for a few weeks already.

    I'm in Perth, Australia and today is day one of my transformation. I have about 15kg (33lbs) to lose. 2013 is going to be a big year for me. I recently got engaged, planning to have a baby and trying to buy a house too!

    I am doing Lite N Easy at the moment (started today) and have had good results from it before but I really need motivation to stick to it for at least 3 months, to stop drinking wine and to increase my exercise. I am committing to recording everything that I eat, even when I'm embarrassed!!

    We're in the middle of a heat wave so exercise is pretty much the last thing in the world I want to do right now! But I do play touch football and will take part in any challenges for this group.

    Good luck everyone :)
  • ahallen83
    ahallen83 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello all, I know I'm late to the party with introductions. I'm a nice girl, I swear.

    My name is Abbie, I'm from Canada. I recently graduated with a BA this June, which was freaking fantastic, I'm so glad to have school over and done with. I'm 5'3" if I'm having a tall day :)

    I was a normal to slightly chubby kid, though my family always treated me like I was very heavy (looking back through childhood photos recently I realized that wasn't the case at all). I guess it is true that if you grow up a normal size but are constantly told you're fat, it messes majorly with your perceptions of yourself and others, as well as the choices you make.

    I'm a very positive person, don't believe in holding grudges and whatnot, but I've been talking a lot of time to try and undo that programming, and it's been fabulous to start seeing myself in a realistic and positive light. I feel like as much as we focus on calories and exercise, the most important thing we can do when losing weight is get quiet, go inwards and really think about where this problem with food started. Figuring out the "why" has been the most liberating and helpful part of this journey for me so far.

    I didn't gain a significant amount of weight until high school, got up to 225 lbs, then in my senior year and after graduation lost weight down to around 150. Maintained that for a couple years, got into my first relationship, and when that took a bad turn I rocketed up to 298. I probably got heavier than that but I stopped looking at the scale once I saw that number. I lost down to 185 in 3rd year of Uni, but I gained 45 back in my year, 30 of that in just the last term. Stress-eater much? Mmmhm.

    Once I graduated, I got a little bit of gift money from my family and decided that instead of partying it away or going on a trip (which was sooooo tempting, this girl loves her martinis... PASSIONATELY lol) I was going to hire a personal trainer/nutritionist and re-educate myself on how to eat and treat my body.

    I'm developing a passing for weight lifting! I love it so much, the challenge of it and the way it makes me feel is incredible. I have reached my first goal of getting under 200, and now I have 30 more to go to get to my next goal, and after that I'll figure out where to go next and oh my sweet fancy Moses I just realized how long this is, how can you tell I'm not quite out of University paper-writing mode yet? Crikey

    Feel free to ad me if you like, I think it'd be nice to have people to talk to about health/fitness other than the girls at work (who are starting to get that glazed look when I want to talk about how freaking stoked I am to move up 20 lbs on my squats blah blah blah) Thanks for reading my rambles!