3-month progress report

Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
I purchased VI on September 19, 2012 - that means it's time for my 3-month report!

Now, I didn't "start" VI on Sept. 19th - I was headed out of town on a biz trip and I wanted it to be waiting for me when I returned a few days later. And, I didn't actually start the VI work-outs until about 5 weeks ago - I was doing NROL4Abs when I first came to this forum.

But, here I am, 3 months into this, feeling GIDDY at how SUCCESSFUL this program has been! At the start, I figured "3-months" was a pretty good bench-mark....in 3 months, I wanted to be <150 lbs. In 3 months, I wanted to be able to see my musculature. In 3 months, I wanted to REALLY feel like I had made CHANGES!

So, how am I doing?

1. Well, today I stepped on the scale and it read 150.6 lbs. I'm SO close to being under 150 lbs, I can TASTE it. I'm committed to getting there by this weekend and, hopefully, as January 1, 2013 rings in, I can be FIRMLY in the mid- to high- 140's. Since I *hate* stepping on the scale, and only do it weekly, TODAY IS A GOOD DAY!

2. I only do full-blown measurements, pictures, at the end of each calendar month. So, no photos/measurements, yet. But, I did wrap the measuring tape around my midriff this morn, and it read 27.5". That puts me about one-inch away from VI (at least at my waist measurement....I'm not suggesting my hips are ANYWHERE NEAR VI!).

3. I have been doing 3 x week weight-training faithfully (with one blip at the beginning of November where my work simply was demanding 80-100 hour weeks from me!). I'm not moving up into the stratosphere with the AMOUNT of weight that I am pushing, but I am moving up. Not everyday, but probably close to every week or every other week. Even though, while in a calorie deficit, my MAIN weight-lifting goals were just to NOT "back-slide", I've actually been able to INCREASE my weights!

4. I have been skipping breakfast for about 2 months, now. I've been doing all of my work-outs "fasted", which has been a totally THRILLING experience for me! I would NEVER have guessed this could "work" - I completely bought into the "need fuel to work-out" community. Even after my work-out, as I down my protein shake (in part to keep me full, but the bigger part is because it counts toward my daily water-count!), I'm not really that hungry.

5. I am learning that my "hungry" time is about 3:00 - 7:30 at night. I *am* hungry during these hours and I *do* eat. I am trying to only eat 1,150 calories during this window, but sometimes it is 1,400 and sometimes (like Sunday), it is only 800 calories. I do feel like the day AFTER a VI work-out, I am *hungrier* and those days are tougher on me to maintain a calorie deficit.

6. Things aren't perfect. For whatever reason, I still have plenty o' bulges all over my body. Not sure when they are going to "disappear", but I look forward to every lost pound on the scale with HOPE that it will translate into less "bulge" somewhere on my body. I *do* believe that "if it jiggles - it's fat" - and I still have TONS of "jiggle". Yes, this pissed me off! But, I'm trying really hard to roll with it and accept this is a JOURNEY, not a destination - and if I just keep on keeping on, it will all work out in the end.

7. I have not dropped any clothing sizes. I blame this on being tall - although I've read the blogs of other tall women on this forum, and they've definitely dropped sizes (from 12's to 2's or whatever). What I have noticed, for sure, is that none of my jeans are fitting around my WAIST....tons of room there. But, since I'm hippy/saddle-baggy to begin with, my pants are still able to fit on that trouble area. I do think when I dip down to the low 140's that I'll probably get into a smaller size - but I'm not sure. We'll have to wait and see!

8. I do plan on keeping my calorie deficit, even through the holidays. We celebrate our Xmas on Xmas Eve, so yes I'll have turkey and potatoes and gravy on that day. Chocolate. Baileys! But, then it's right back to "the plan". I work straight through the holidays, anyway - which is a bit of a blessing because I can be VERY CONTROLLED about my eating plan when I'm at work. New Year's isn't a big thing in our household - I'm planning on doing a fondue (our kids love this - we eat chocolate fondue FIRST!!!)....so, yep, bigger calorie day on New Year's Eve, but again, right back on plan when that's done.

9. I have a "sun vacation" on the horizon. I think husband and I will steal away mid-January. So, my GOAL for that vacation is: a) to be at mid-140's or even LOWER - YAY!!; b) to buy a new bathing suit - which means I actually have to GO TRY THE STUPID THINGS ON!; and c) to be "off-plan" while I am away on vacation and just relax with my husband and have a good time - we need it. We deserve it. And, we're gonna go enjoy it!

10. 3 months goes by IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE. This is the *best* lesson to learn. Day 1 was painful. Week 1 was hard. But, the days and weeks are going to pass ANYWAY - so, they might as well pass with me having focus on calorie-reduction and focus on weight-training. Because, when you look up, 3 months has PASSED and you'll be posting on a forum about "How did your 3 months go"??? I'm not sure *exactly* where I thought I would be, 12 weeks into the VI program, but HERE I AM! And, it's good. It's all VERY GOOD!!


  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    You are doing AWESOME Beeps. Yes this program does work. I know any exercise program should work but I think this one changes up more than most out there and pushes you to lift heavier along with that variety. I think the calorie charts are key. I too have only recently started working out fasted in the mornings. I am thrilled as well because it's something I've told my friends who do it that "I can't", it just took some getting used to. I think when you do it you have to kind of make up for calories in the evening, which you are doing, and I kind of like being able to eat into the evening now.

    I'm so excited for you!