weight loss strategies

RavishingRubbies Posts: 69
edited January 6 in Social Groups
Carbs can derail your whole diet.Refined carbs are full of empty calories.it can actually slow down your metabolism.Stop carb-loading&fast track your weight loss.Power up your diet.Protein requires more energy to digest than carbs do&build lean muscle.substituting protein for carbs you eat daily,helps you to maintain a current weight loss.Aim for at least 50 grams daily.Eat eggs,lean meats,poultry,fish,or nonfat dairy with meals&snacks.Be picky and opt for whole-grain bread&pasta,it has more vitamins&minerals,&ab-flattening fiber than refined carbs do.People who eat mor fiber,has less of the dangerous belly fat.Which is linked to diabetes and heart disease,in those who eat less fiber.*Time it right.Help yourself to healthy carbs,like oatmeal,or whole grain toast,in the a.m.&scale back at lunch and dinner.You'll burn off the calories better&faster during the day than you will at night,when you are not as active.You'll also be less likely to give into cravings,because a morning meal sets you up,to make smart choices all day long.
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