High/Low Corner



  • ctpeace
    ctpeace Posts: 327 Member
    High today is 3 workout days in a row! I was teetering at the edge of falling back into bad habits on Monday, and I pulled through!!! This is HUGE for me! I have had such a tendency to get in a bad groove, and be really complacent of getting out of it. This time I fought back!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    High today is 3 workout days in a row! I was teetering at the edge of falling back into bad habits on Monday, and I pulled through!!! This is HUGE for me! I have had such a tendency to get in a bad groove, and be really complacent of getting out of it. This time I fought back!
    Sweet! WTG!! Good luck on your journey. :0)

  • lexylouise
    lexylouise Posts: 17
    I have just joined the group.. I feel bad to start on a low but the positive is that the low has given me the push to join a group for support.
    I'm 5ft 2 and just turned 30. I have 50lbs to lose and it just seems impossible. I have been using MFP since before xmas but have gained weight; so my end goal is getting further and further away. I am never really sure how many calories to take in each day as i am so short. I was sticking to 1200 but lost nothing; so put it down to 900 and have gained another 2lbs this week.
    I started jogging a few weeks ago and so am doing about 30min jog 4 times a week but this will increase as i build up the amount i can run. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated ....
    I am going on holiday at the end of july and at the moment i feel i may just cancel it for fear of having to see photos of myself in a bikini!!
    thanks for listening
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    Definitely not enough calories love. No-one should really eat below 1200 on a regular basis. The only thing you will do is get your metabolism used to accepting a lot less which is totally not sustainable.

    Check out the group eat more to weigh less and make sure you are eating back your exercise cals.
  • ericapage
    ericapage Posts: 108 Member
    My high is that I am FINALLY able & ready to get back on track! Last Jan-Aug I was on MFP and was down 30lbs. I was looking good! Unfortunately, my longtime back issue came to a head. I needed to have emergency back surgery due to a nearly ruptured disc pressing on my nerve root. Since last Aug I've had to have two more back surgeries- one for a reherniation and the last for a severe staph infection at my incision site. I was hospitalized for a week after the last surgery and was sent home with an IV port to receive antibiotics twice a day. Before and after each injection I had to flush the line with saline. Needless to say with the 8 injections a day of salt water and my lack of mobility that 30 lbs came right back! :sad:

    After almost 4 months, I'm feeling great! :bigsmile: I worked out at the gym last week and my back didn't hurt at all! Yesterday, I went shopping and bought a bunch of organic fruits and veggies for my new "clean eating" plan. I'm starting with little goals. I'm going on a girl's trip to Vegas in a month so my goal is to firm up a little and hopefully lose 8-10 lbs.

    I'm so glad I'm feeling better. I can't wait to look and feel my absolute best!
    RISSII Posts: 1
    Well I'm new to MFP and I'm on a real high right now... got up early with my hubby and completed my first strength training session... yay! I'm so proud of myself right at this moment.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Well I'm new to MFP and I'm on a real high right now... got up early with my hubby and completed my first strength training session... yay! I'm so proud of myself right at this moment.
    Congrats and thanks for sharing your brag!! :happy:

  • _meesh_
    _meesh_ Posts: 73
    Kind of a low, kind of a high...I was feeling a little depressed today. Living in a foreign country means that some of your comfort foods are hard to come by. Ended up managing to fit the hot dogs (yes that's plural) I was craving in my calories for the day. They were more like cocktail weenies, but with three or four per 'bun' it still worked out
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    Hello all. I've got a low and a high. I was doing great last year until about October or November. I had lost just about 10 lbs and have gained it all back plus a few extra. I've been slowly getting back into MFP, and last week had started taking some daily walks. This week I decided to restart 30DS after quitting halfway through last year. I got through 10 minutes and had to stop on Monday. Yesterday, I got brave. I hadn't been on a scale in months. I weighed in and was soooo disappointed to see that I was 10 lbs away from my all time high from 8 years ago! Huge low for me!
    So, after work I went home and got all the way through level 1 of 30DS, and still got my daily walk in! It felt so good! I hope I can manage to keep this motivation that I'm feeling.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hello all. I've got a low and a high. I was doing great last year until about October or November. I had lost just about 10 lbs and have gained it all back plus a few extra. I've been slowly getting back into MFP, and last week had started taking some daily walks. This week I decided to restart 30DS after quitting halfway through last year. I got through 10 minutes and had to stop on Monday. Yesterday, I got brave. I hadn't been on a scale in months. I weighed in and was soooo disappointed to see that I was 10 lbs away from my all time high from 8 years ago! Huge low for me!
    So, after work I went home and got all the way through level 1 of 30DS, and still got my daily walk in! It felt so good! I hope I can manage to keep this motivation that I'm feeling.
    Hope you are still killin it with the 30DS!

  • aimeegib
    aimeegib Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to joining this group and new to MFP as of this week. I have tried many diets and have goen up and down and now with the success of my mother doing weight watchers ( too expensive for me) i have decided to make it a life changing procces of counting calories and changing my diet. I am 32 going on 33 in a few months and weight 203 at the height of 5'7. I am athletically built but still have soem problem areas that I need to work on. I am excited to start and looks like there is great support in this group :) My husband and I are also now trying for our 2nd child so anyone who has been prego and still used MFP have any advice would be great :) Have a wonderful day
  • eelacey1
    My low was on July 31...weighing in at my highest ever. I am down 16..doesn't match my tracker...I never updated the weight gain. I am feeling good. High for yesterday...my parents noticed the loss. I want to stay motivated.
  • sauci
    sauci Posts: 94 Member
    love this!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I am really struggling right now. March has been a tough month. At the end of February I came down with a nasty case of bronchitis which lasted 3 weeks. As I was just getting over the bronchitis, I came down with a stomach bug which only lasted a couple of days but through me for a loop. Now I am having problem with my back. I have had chronic back pain in my mid/upper back since my first son was born. In September 2013 I finally did something about it. I went through physical therapy and it was feeling great!... until last Thursday when I was worshipping the porcelain goddess while battling the stomach bug. Now I am in constant pain. It hurts to lift my arms and carry my kids, I want to cry if I cough or I sneeze. I have started doing the stretches and exercises that I did during PT and it is helping but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I am finally in the right mindframe, that i want to work out, and run and be active and healthy but I know I cant push myself right now, I need to heal. IT isn't fair!

    Pity party over!
  • weather_nerd
    Definitely struggling. For starters, I'm tired, groggy and fluff-headed. That is partially due to going overboard on wheat for three days in a row. The physical effects far outweigh the temporary good taste of the food! I feel so crummy. There's always struggles personally too. Trying to figure out who I am, what I'm meant to do, what makes me tick, etc. That's the toughest part right now. I'm so used to just being the happy-go-lucky one for everyone, putting on that smiley face. Now, all the times I did that are starting to effect me.
  • melarchy
    melarchy Posts: 5
    My high is that I prepped lots of meat and veggies for breakfast and lunch this week. I'll have no excuses to eat out.
  • davetheperson
    davetheperson Posts: 124 Member
    Highs: I had a week off from work, I am now capable of running the equivalent of a 5K and started a 10K training program; so I'm way ahead of where I wanted to be in preparation of my 1st 5K coming up in August.

    Low: have to go back to work tomorrow and didn't touch any of the work I brought home with me