Explain splits to me

SMarie10 Posts: 953 Member
I feel like kind of a novice for asking, but would one of the more experienced lifters explain splits to me.

My routine is varied 3-4 times a week - starting to lift heavier in the past few months.

Today - I did kettle bell lifts 80 lbs 5 X 5
Dead lifts - 140 lbs 5 X 5
worked hamstrings and did overhead press.
finished off with rows

I need to do my research to make sure I get a balance routine, but tend to work both arms and legs during my sessions.


  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    There is nothing wrong with doing a full body routine.
    The reason lifters do a split is so they can make faster gains. You should not work the same muscle group 2 days in a row, it needs time to rest and rebuild. So lifters split it up so they can lift every day, make faster gains, seriously fatigue muscles, and still recover.
    For example you could do Legs on Monday, Chest and Triceps on Tuesday, Back and Biceps on Wednesday, then Legs again on Thursday because they have had time to rest.
    You can split your muscle groups different ways too like Triceps and calves on the same day. Keep in mind compound lifts like Deadlifts work more than one muscle group.