question about arms/ other problem areas

Hey guys,
I just realized I lost 5 lbs since starting on Dec 5! I'm so excited and I'm DEF starting level 2 today (been putting it off)... 5 lbs is a lot for me-- I have before pics and I just took some more and the changes are great.

EDIT: WAIT-- 6.4 lbs! EEK! This rules!

The only problem is-- ARMS! They look the same as Day 1! My belly is crazy thinner, but I can't seem to shed this arm weight! Anyone else have a problem area?


  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    I never measured my arms, really didn't want to know. There is definitely still flab there, but I can feel muscles. I bet you have lost some there, you just can't see it. When you start Level 2, there are a lot of plank exercises and that should work your arms, especially if you can do a full push-up (I still can't do more than one or two).

    Regarding problem areas, my lower belly is a little smaller according to measurements, but it is definitely still a pooch. When I stand up straight and look in the mirror I think I look a lot better, but when I sit down there's that roll of tummy. I think it will be there til I lose quite a bit more, no matter how many crunches I do.

    On the bright side (this may be in my head), I do think my tush looks better!
  • bogden78
    bogden78 Posts: 172 Member
    Today is my last day of level 2, yay!! I do not take measurements because I never seem to measure in the same place twice, but wow, I can totally see a difference. I still don't use weights, are you? I know if I did I'd have more definition but I don't want this to be to hard that I give up. My muffin top is a little smaller, but still there. I can't wait to see what level 3 will do.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Vernaverna - btw, congrats on losing 6+ lbs!! That's fantastic. I haven't lost anywhere near that.

    Bogden - I use 5 lb. weights (the only ones I own) for all but the "chair squats and V-fly". Those are hard enough without weights! Today (day 8) was the first time I actually jumped instead of moving one foot at a time for squat thrusts and plank jacks, and even then I only did about half that way. I like the leg kick military press thing - I feel like a badass when I do them without touching my foot down! :glasses:
  • Vernaverna
    Wow Bogden,
    Can't believe you're gonna be done with Level 2. It's only been one day there for me and I'm still majorly scared! Good looks, girl
  • bogden78
    bogden78 Posts: 172 Member
    After just finishing level 3, 2 was my least fav. Not that it was difficult, but there were so many plank moves I just didn't enjoy them. I like level 3 a lot!