


  • mlanggin88
    mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
    Hey Everyone.....

    Thanks again for joining my challenge..... I had no idea that I would received such an amzing turn out.....

    As many of us know, losing weight can be a rough and tough. Through my many years of trying to beat my obiesity I have learned so many Do's and Don'ts. When I finally came accross this site and I used it my first week I immd fell knew that this was my home and my helping hand in my journey. Who knew after a few tries of "counting points" and failing that all I had to do is count my calories instead... I mean who would have thought the easiest way was the best way for me?

    My goal in this challenge is to get back into the swing of things.... I fell off the wagon a little bit and have been walking behind it ever since seeing it in my near future. I am so ready to run and jump right back on it and fall in love with my clean eating rituals and workout routines..... I am ready to continue on my journey and am so glad I will have all of you apart of it........

    To the best 6 weeks of our (weight losing) lives :)
  • Chines03
    Chines03 Posts: 42 Member
    Hello everyone. I am re-joining after giving birth 2 1/2 months ago. I have my kids so now its time to work on me. I love small challenges. I am looking forward to shredding some pounds with you all. My goal for this challenge is 15 pounds. Please feel free to add me. I really need help on being motivated to exercise and on my food choices
  • fitnfreeme
    fitnfreeme Posts: 102 Member
    My name is Angela. I lost 15 lbs last year on MFP, but gradually gained half of it back. I became complacent after meeting my fiancé and haven't hit the gym much in recent months. I'm getting married in July and would like to improve my health and appearance. Getting back to my last MFP success weight is my goal for this challenge.

    It's nice to "meet" all of you. I'm looking forward to this challenge and the extra motivation.
  • cindalu78
    Hi! My name is Lucinda and I am 34 years old. I have been married to a wonderful man for 14 years and have three beautiful girls. I am the biggest I have ever been, somewhere around 240. I have got to do something to keep my self from falling into a depression over my weight. Looking forward to being a part of this group.