increase calories to gain muscle?

After reaching my weightloss goal in October, I've developed a real interest in gaining muscle mass. Everything I read tells me that I have to increase my calories ABOVE MAINTENANCE to be able to accomplish this, and I am scared to death to do that! I am 5feet, 2 inches, and weight about 119 lbs. I work out 6 days a week, and eat between 1500-160" calories per day.


  • karenboy29687
    karenboy29687 Posts: 61 Member
    **1500-1600 calories
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    So is 1500-1600 your maintenance? I use Scooby's calculator to work out my TDEE ( which seems to work for me. To bulk somewhere around 200 to 300 cals above TDEE is often recommended. This gives enough surplus to gain muscle without putting on too much fat. Some fat gain is inevitable but being controlled with the calorie surplus can limit this. The maximum muscle gain a woman can expect is around 1lb per month.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    So is 1500-1600 your maintenance? I use Scooby's calculator to work out my TDEE ( which seems to work for me. To bulk somewhere around 200 to 300 cals above TDEE is often recommended. This gives enough surplus to gain muscle without putting on too much fat. Some fat gain is inevitable but being controlled with the calorie surplus can limit this. The maximum muscle gain a woman can expect is around 1lb per month.


    Also, if you are really scared of gaining fat, you can aim for very low surplus, try to stay somewhere between TDEE and TDEE +100 for a while (a month or two) until you are ready. You will gain some muscle just very little and make progress with your lifts even on a modest surplus

    1600 for somebody who works out 6 times a week seems a bit low. My TDEE is 2200- 2300, I work out 3-4 times a week plus walk around a bit, I'm 5'7