Find your challenge buddy

demilade Posts: 402 Member
Find your challenge buddy

Post your goals and find someone with simmilar goals. They will be your buddy for this challenge.
You check in with each other weekly and update them on your progress and offer suggestions back and forth. If your buddy doesnt checkin with you or post in the challenges then offer them support and get them motivated again.


  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    Age - 37
    daily calorie goal - 850
    current weight - 117 kg
    goal weight - 75kg
    preffered work out - walking dog and 30 day shred
    weakness - chocolate
  • aditifoodie
    aditifoodie Posts: 125 Member
    my info:

    CW: 102 kg
    GW: 70 kg

    daily cal goal: 1200 but I am usually below it as I eat loads of veges and fruits which fill me up without much of calories.
    workout: will start gyimng in the new yr ie. jan as first I just wanted to change my eating habits and lose some wt before I hit the gym.
  • Kitty7814
    Age: 27
    CW: 217.5 lbs
    GW: 170 lbs
    Daily Calorie goal: Net of 1,200

    Workout: Right now consists of bowflex strength training (I dance or ride the bike in between sets which is why you'll see ridiculous calorie burn for it), a dance workout video, and I use an elliptical as well.

    Weakness: Fast food and soda. I worked full-time through college and never had time to prepare meals for myself and so I got in the habit of consuming massive amounts of caffeine to get myself through work/class and eating fast food. I've recently "kicked" the caffeine habit (quotes because I still drink it, but I can now go a day without it and not have a headache, so now it's a choice, but some would say it's not kicked because I haven't given it up). The fast food I've significantly reduced but still crave pretty much daily : (

    Add'l note: I've been losing more than 2lbs/week following the myp calorie recommendations so I recently purchased the body media fit armband, which has shown me burning more calories just going through my daily routine than mfp estimates (it also takes into account my smoking which increases metabolism apparently.) Oddly enough, it only shows about 1/2 the calories burned that my heart rate monitor estimates during actual work outs, so who knows. I plan on quitting smoking but I last time I tried I gained a ton of weight so I'm going to lose some first so that if I gain some back I won't feel like it's the end of the world. Hopefully I'll be feeling better stress wise and that will help as well later on down the road.
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    Age: 53
    5' 4"
    CW: 240
    GW: 145 (because that is the "normal" BMI but I'd be ecstatic to achieve anything in the 170s, "overweight" range)

    Immediate goals:
    Eat healthier (more veggies, less fast food, less fried food)
    Eat smaller meals (don't eat until I feel I'm going to pop, and then shove in two more bites because I don't want to waste food)
    Eat more often (was eating once a day, now I'm trying to spread my food out so I'm eating a little something every 3-4 hours)
    Move more (walk an average of 4,000 steps a day, increase that number a little bit every week)
    Rebuild lost muscle (lift 3-pound weight, get--and use--a resistance band)
    Regain some energy (through exercise and a positive attitude)
  • AliciaCharmaine
    Age: 37
    Height: 5-4
    CW: 245
    GW: 175

    Have you found your challenge buddy yet? We have similar goals and I think we would be a good match.
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Age: 37
    Height: 5'10"
    CW: 210
    GW 195
    DW: 173 ( BMI 24.8 - Normal weight)

    Planning on doing elliptical at least 30 mins 3/week and also some DVD workouts (haven't decided which ones yet).
  • jwall956
    jwall956 Posts: 35 Member
    CW: 235
    GW: 150

    I could really use fitness pal buddies to help keep me on track, its been very hard doing this on my own.

    Please add me!
  • willtry08
    willtry08 Posts: 74 Member
    Age: 36
    Current weight: 234.5
    Goal weight: 159 for now but that might change!

    I'm starting the 30 day shred tomorrow if anyone else wants to start with me. Figured it was a great way to jump start the New Year.
    Happy New Year everyone :)
  • cocountrykids
    cocountrykids Posts: 6 Member
    I need a challenge buddy

    Age: 52
    Current weight 245.2
    Goal: 150 if possible
  • cocountrykids
    cocountrykids Posts: 6 Member
    What do we do next?
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    AliciaCharmaine and I are now challenge buddies!

    Cocountrykids, I'd be happy to be your challenge buddy, too. After all, there is plenty of me to go around! LOL
  • missmaegen
    missmaegen Posts: 7 Member
    Height: 5'9
    CWt: 318.8 lbs
    GW: 135 lbs

    Weaknesses: Soda and sugary treats
    Daily cal goal: 1770
    Workouts: currently walking 3 times a week, slowly working up to 6 days a week
  • cocountrykids
    cocountrykids Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks-I appreciate that.
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'4"
    CW: 225
    GW: 145

    Mini Goal: Hit ONEderland by April 14 for my little brother's wedding.
    That's about 2 lbs a week, so I should be able to do it safely.

    Exercise: I walk/jog 3 miles 2x/week and swim 1x/week with my husband. I do at least two more cardio sessions a week that range between Zumba at the gym, Taekwondo at my dojang, and Turbo Jam DVDs at home. I think I'm going to stay away from the gym this month though, because there are always tons of newbies in the classes and it's hard to see the instructor. I do abs at least 3 times a week with Ab Jam (and later Hip Hop Abs, I just ordered it!), and I strength train at the little weight room in my building 3x/week.
    So basically: Cardio 5x/week, Strength 3x/week.

    Food: Calorie goal is 1780, and I do try to eat back most of my exercise calories. Typically try to eat as fresh, local, and organic as we can without spending a fortune. We're trying to cut back on dairy and red meat, but it's hard because we love cheese and ice cream, and nothing beats a perfectly cooked juicy filet! Our goal is to do two days of lean chicken breast, one day pork loin, one day fish, and the remaining days vegetarian, but we're still experimenting with vegetarian dishes. We haven't really found many veggie dishes that we like that are easy AND fulfilling AND that don't have a bunch of synthesized fake meats.

    Challenges: We love to go out to eat and party, and we have a lot of foodie and bartender friends. It's difficult to say no. My other challenge is that I eat dinner with my MBA program on Tuesdays, and eat breakfast and lunch (and snacks) with them on Saturdays (we're at school for 9 hours on Saturdays), so it is harder to track the food that's ordered in. The program administrators pick and order and pay for those meals, so I don't have much say, I just have to try and pick the healthiest choice (which also looks the least appetizing).

    So that's me. Anybody want to be my buddy? :)

  • KCSF
    KCSF Posts: 49 Member
    Age: 32
    Calorie goal: 1200
    Current weight: 221
    Goal weight: 199 (1st goal)164 (middle goal) 145 (ultimate goal)
    Work out: Gym every morning at 5:30am
    Weakness: pizza

    I had a full hysterectomy 7 years ago. My body thinks it is 60. :)
  • Bebeharden
    Bebeharden Posts: 76 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Late entry, but I would love a challenge buddy. Here are my stats and goals (in metrics since I'm in France):

    - Today's Weight= 147 kg
    - Today's Measurements=
    - Bust= 126 cm
    - Waist= 119 cm
    - Hips= 146 cm

    Goals Weight:
    - 1st weight= 123 kg
    - 2nd weight= 98 kg
    - Ultimate goal weight= 73 kg

    Goal Measurements= (roughly size 10/12)
    - Bust= 87 cm
    - Waist= 80 cm
    - Hips= 107 cm

    Right now, my goal is to be active for 30 minutes a day ( 6 days a week) and stay within daily calories. I'm focusing on doing these things consistently for 3 months and then will add on additional fitness goals :)



    PS: I'm in France most of the year, so time differences will vary!
  • alyssam6
    alyssam6 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Everyone! I'm a little late at filling this out, but I'd love a challenge buddy!

    Age: 22
    Height: 5'6
    CW: 229
    GW: 145

    My goals first goal right now is to actually complete the 30 Day Shred! Oh how many times I've started to no avail! I want to actually finish it! I'd also like to get down to my all time lowest weight of 217, and beyond! (Much, much, much further beyond! BUT ive got to take it 1 day at a time!) My next goal would be ONEderland! Which I'm hoping I can reach before summer! I have a few months, so why not?! Anything is possible =)

    Another goal is to workout at least 3x a week for 30 min, in addition to 30 day shred!