Daily Challenge 1 & Weekly Challenge 1 !



  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Part 2 of the Daily challenge: Done! 40 oz down already...will workout after work, though~!!
  • foody44
    144 mins of exercise done for today... on my second venti (20oz) cup of water... im on the ball today :D
  • pinkstapler
    pinkstapler Posts: 33 Member
    I will take this challenge! :D I'll go out for a walk soon, although I seem to have misplaced my ipod so it'll be a bit boring..maybe I'll just sing songs to myself lol. And I really should learn to like water more, it just doesn't taste all that good to me. Ahh well such is life! Good Luck on the challenge everyone!
  • BeachChick2012
    32+ oz of water down... will workout when I get home from work... will give up soda for this week and drink more water... and work-in the extra workouts...
  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
    WOW look at you superstars!!!!!! I'm so proud of you guys !!!!! If you didn't reach the daily goal today, that is OKAY! Don't beat yourself up about it because know that everyday is a new day! So try harder than you did yesterday & sooner alittle you will be able to achieve your goal! But the fact is that you atleast tried!!! =)

    You are all winners! =) Check out daily challenge two!
  • aussiestargazer
    aussiestargazer Posts: 98 Member
    I'm in - 32 ozs water for me and going for 520 minutes of exercise and I will give up cheese for the week

    Part 1 - water completed and I did 60 minutes walking up and down hills so ended up doing both parts and with 120 minutes of walking only 400 minutes for the week to go!
  • aussiestargazer
    aussiestargazer Posts: 98 Member
    I'm in - 32 ozs water for me and going for 520 minutes of exercise and I will give up cheese for the week

    Part 1 - water completed and I did 60 minutes walking up and down hills so ended up doing both parts and with 120 minutes of walking only 400 minutes for the week to go!

    PS messed up on the cheese - dinner tonight at the Lodge (I am observing at present) was pizza and I ate 2 slices before I remembered!
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Daily Challenge 1 : I challenge you to get in atleast 60 + minutes of exercise today! and/or get in atleast 32 ounces of water today!

    Weekly Challenge 1 : I challenge you for the week to get in 520 minutes of exercise this week! or to drop out one common thing that you eat/drink for a whole week! Post that one thing and we can find a healthy subsitute for you! =)

    Well I missed day 1, but I did get in 90 minutes of exercise yesterday! Didn't track my water, but pretty sure I didn't get 32oz of water.

    Working towards the 520 minutes. I should probably cut out the chocolate, but to be honest with a party tomorrow and New Year's on Monday/Tuesday, that's not going to happen.
  • melodys_attic
    melodys_attic Posts: 114 Member
    I get a no sodium soda water. It's a generic brand. If you want the flavour use real lemon or lime. The preflavoured stuff probably contains scary things. I figured out it was the bubbles I love. Now if I try real soda it tastes funny. Triumph! More expensive carbonated waters like Perrier are my treat now. haha.
  • melodys_attic
    melodys_attic Posts: 114 Member
    I am walking 60+ minutes every second day and doing the 30 day shred plus often walking 20 or more minute and doing housework the other day. So far so good. Giving up? Ok. Chocolate it is. I really need to do no sugar at all. I am hoping to drop "dirty whites: wheat flour, sugar and liquid cow milk" in January.
  • melodys_attic
    melodys_attic Posts: 114 Member
    I accept the challenge.
    I need to drop the cookies and sweets! It was easy to get into these over the holidays!
    I will try to do 60 minutes of exercise per day. This will probably work best in 2-3 segments. I have been doing 2 so can shift up to do 3 X 60 minute cardio workouts in a week. For the rest I will walk. I'm walking 30-40 minutes per day now.