I am back- gained 8 lbs and A1C is the same

pennell12 Posts: 190 Member
Hi all,

I went on hiatus here for a few months because I had a very hectic fall and fell of the wagon so to speak Had an appt with endo today and though test results weren't great, they were not as bad as I had anticipated. In fact AIC stayed the same from September. 7.80.

I have a new med plan and am going to try to get back on track with 1400-1500 daily calories, counting carbs and exercising again. I don't think I can do very low carb because I could only stick to it for a few months. Now, I am going to try moderate carb e.g. 30 grams er meal.

I am on Metformin and Levemir. I really want to get this under control without going on any more meds than this. Losing weight while on insulin is hard. Anyone have any experience with this?

