Phase 1 - Workout 3

a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
Workout 3 is a 36-minute metabolic circuit training workout focusing on the front of the body that you perform during weeks 3 & 4 of the program. The workout follows the same pattern as the other metabolic training workouts in the system: short warm-up, 4 circuits repeated twice and a short cool down. Each circuit consists of 4 exercises performed back-to-back with a 1-minute cardio interval before repeating the circuit again. The workout consists of the following circuits:

Circuit 1 – push-ups, downward dog with opposite arm/leg reach, reverse lunges and plank walk-outs. Cardio interval: jump rope.
Circuit 2 – sumo squat with tricep extension, camel, squat with shoulder press and cable chest press. Cardio interval: punches.
Circuit 3 – plank into crescent pose, crab, side crunches (right) and side crunches (left). Cardio interval: plie hops.
Circuit 4 – tree pose with lateral raise (right), plank-outs, tree pose with lateral raise (left) and inchworm. Cardio interval: skiers.


  • I am starting disc 3 today and I am excited.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    I am starting disc 3 today and I am excited.

    Good luck on workout 3!

    I did W.O 3 for the 1st time today and i really liked it. I think there's a nice selection of moves in there. I have already done 95% of them in my other Jillian workouts but even so, it was good to do them again, and realise how much I've improved! Plie hops used to KILL my legs and i would need to rest half way through, but i got them all in today, no stopping, and with bigger jumps!! GO ME!!:bigsmile: The only bit i thought was "tough" was the cable presses, my shoulders felt that!! I don't know if that's because my cable isn't the standard JM one with the package, and maybe less flexible? I liked the crunch variations but found the tree pose very uncomfortable with trainers on, i've done it loads of times barefoot in Yoga but my trainers just seemed to dig into my thigh. :sad:

    All in all a good workout - not a massive step up from workouts 1&2 but definitely a little more intense.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    OUCH! The front of my thighs hurt this morning!! All in a good cause though! It's my body screaming as it's changing!!
  • tpotey
    tpotey Posts: 127 Member
    I'm starting workout #3 this evening. Wish me luck!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    I'm starting workout #3 this evening. Wish me luck!

    SMASH IT!!

    Let us know how you get on!
  • mrunner2
    mrunner2 Posts: 15 Member
    Those of us that started January 7th begin workout 3 tomorrow. I watched it after I did WO2 today and it looks a bit challenging, but doable. Don't trust my scale so I am not weighing in until I go to the Dr.,but I feel the difference. Body feels tighter and better fitting clothes.
  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    Those of us that started January 7th begin workout 3 tomorrow. I watched it after I did WO2 today and it looks a bit challenging, but doable. Don't trust my scale so I am not weighing in until I go to the Dr.,but I feel the difference. Body feels tighter and better fitting clothes.

    I'm looking forward to a change! Let's start the end of phase 1!!! 2 weeks down!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Those of us that started January 7th begin workout 3 tomorrow. I watched it after I did WO2 today and it looks a bit challenging, but doable. Don't trust my scale so I am not weighing in until I go to the Dr.,but I feel the difference. Body feels tighter and better fitting clothes.

    I'm looking forward to a change! Let's start the end of phase 1!!! 2 weeks down!

    everyone is making great progress, keep those workouts coming..those cals burning...and those pounds and inches dropping!
  • JABGoochie
    JABGoochie Posts: 78 Member
    gotta walk home from work in the snow then i shall be doing W3 for th first time!!! eeeek!
    then walk to tehgym to teach pole fitness class and walk back agian - im gonna be so worn out!
  • cristino1985
    cristino1985 Posts: 63 Member
    So. Today was my first day doing workout 3 and oh my lord did I feel it! I absolutely loved it because it was a change and I burned 352 calories!! Can not argue with that, bring on workout 4 tomorrow :D
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member

    That seemed like a pretty serious step up in upper body to me. I don't know if it's because I was unfamiliar with the moves, but I really struggled today. Those plank set down thingies were my biggest challenge (probably because I'm not exactly a master of the basic plank yet) and I didn't even come close to doing the crescents right. On the plus side, I did better than i thought I would on the cardio intervals with the jumps.

    I'm supposed to go to my friend's Zumba class tonight, assuming I can move my arms at that point in the day. :)

    Great job to everyone for sticking with it!!!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    So. Today was my first day doing workout 3 and oh my lord did I feel it! I absolutely loved it because it was a change and I burned 352 calories!! Can not argue with that, bring on workout 4 tomorrow :D

    Great burn! I love your enthusiasm!!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member

    That seemed like a pretty serious step up in upper body to me. I don't know if it's because I was unfamiliar with the moves, but I really struggled today. Those plank set down thingies were my biggest challenge (probably because I'm not exactly a master of the basic plank yet) and I didn't even come close to doing the crescents right. On the plus side, I did better than i thought I would on the cardio intervals with the jumps.

    I'm supposed to go to my friend's Zumba class tonight, assuming I can move my arms at that point in the day. :)

    Great job to everyone for sticking with it!!!

    Good job for giving it your best shot, I'm sure it will become less challenging as you become more familiar with it. You're showing up to your workouts, and that's the main thing...the strength and stamina will come, keep at it!
  • This workout was tough! I struggled with some of the moves and I hope I can get better at the planks, the crescent pose and some of the cardio. I was so gross and sweaty afterwards. I think I am going to use lighter weights until I get the moves down.
  • cristino1985
    cristino1985 Posts: 63 Member
    Workout 3 completed again, I really enjoyed this workout today but I do find the plank into crescent tough as I have gammy hips I can't really swing them up between my arms easily but I know I will get better as the weeks progress. :D
  • wade78
    wade78 Posts: 141 Member
    Just did WO3 for the first time. I have a feeling I'm gonna hurt tomorrow
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    This workout was tough! I struggled with some of the moves and I hope I can get better at the planks, the crescent pose and some of the cardio. I was so gross and sweaty afterwards. I think I am going to use lighter weights until I get the moves down.

    we all struggle with new moves, you kinda have to focus on what you are doing while keeping one eye on the tv to make sure you're doing it right! You're doing your best, that's what matters, and the sweat is just confirmation that you're putting the effort in! Good job!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Workout 3 completed again, I really enjoyed this workout today but I do find the plank into crescent tough as I have gammy hips I can't really swing them up between my arms easily but I know I will get better as the weeks progress. :D

    practice makes perfect! I always find it helps if i take a deep breath in before swinging up.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Just did WO3 for the first time. I have a feeling I'm gonna hurt tomorrow

    my arms were very sore, thanks to the cable chest press :sad:
    well done for getting it done!
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Just did WO3 for the first time. I have a feeling I'm gonna hurt tomorrow

    my arms were very sore, thanks to the cable chest press :sad:
    well done for getting it done!
    This one was difficult for me with my different cable as well. I'm thinking I need to find hers, or one like it, to use rather than the one I have. :grumble:
  • lolaluv4
    lolaluv4 Posts: 36 Member
    Not my favorite because i didnt get that feeling i get after a good workout akai will have to go harder next time!
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Not my favorite because i didnt get that feeling i get after a good workout akai will have to go harder next time!
    I didn't feel very confident after doing it the first time either. It will get better. :happy:
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    Finally got to workout 3. It was much harder than 1 and 2, but still doable. I have to work on form quite a bit. Had a hard time trying to do some of the moves and look at the tv at the same time. Lesson learned. Watch a new workout BEFORE you attempt to do it. :laugh:
  • izraa18
    izraa18 Posts: 8 Member
    hello there, this is my first round of BR week 3 workout 3 It was so very tough for me, all the planks pushups. I only did 50% of the exercises correct .
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    hello there, this is my first round of BR week 3 workout 3 It was so very tough for me, all the planks pushups. I only did 50% of the exercises correct .


    50% is better than 0%! You're showing up for your workouts and trying your best, and that's what it's all about!

    it's not about perfect, it's about effort. And practice makes perfect!
  • izraa18
    izraa18 Posts: 8 Member
    hello there, this is my first round of BR week 3 workout 3 It was so very tough for me, all the planks pushups. I only did 50% of the exercises correct .


    50% is better than 0%! You're showing up for your workouts and trying your best, and that's what it's all about!

    it's not about perfect, it's about effort. And practice makes perfect!
    I am just worried if I can make it through or not? anyway you are right, practice makes perfect. Thanks for your reply I found it very encouraging:)
    N.B(sorry if there are grammar mistakes English is my second language)
  • izraa18
    izraa18 Posts: 8 Member
    it gets easier..
  • Bug2love
    Bug2love Posts: 41 Member
    Just did WO3 for the first time. I have a feeling I'm gonna hurt tomorrow

    my arms were very sore, thanks to the cable chest press :sad:
    well done for getting it done!
    This one was difficult for me with my different cable as well. I'm thinking I need to find hers, or one like it, to use rather than the one I have. :grumble:

    I felt like mine were to short to do the moves correctly. :/ Did anyone find cables that worked for them?
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Just did WO3 for the first time. I have a feeling I'm gonna hurt tomorrow

    my arms were very sore, thanks to the cable chest press :sad:
    well done for getting it done!
    This one was difficult for me with my different cable as well. I'm thinking I need to find hers, or one like it, to use rather than the one I have. :grumble:

    I felt like mine were to short to do the moves correctly. :/ Did anyone find cables that worked for them?

    Nope, I just use my 3kg dumbells (6.6lbs) instead. Can't be bothered faffing around with a cable that is too tight for me to move!!
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I did this for the first time and had trouble with the cables as well, mine didn't stretch like theirs so I totally botched that one. And alot of the exercises were pretty tough for me. The crunches were awkward, laying on my side like that is a little painful so I deft didn't keep correct form. The crescents were near impossible for me to do with correct form, my knees are too weak. I got through it and I will keep working to do better but seeing how it's only in rotation 3 more times, I doubt I'll improve before phase 1 is over lol Geez now I'm nervous to see workout 4 tomorrow =/